Flat Feet

Mr. Stiles,
I was reading your book and on page 103 you say that having flat feet is caused by tight Tibialis Anterior and weak Tibialis Posterior. May I assume that if I stretch and strengthen over time my flat feet will develop more arch? I have custom fit orthotics but they only increase my arch when I’m wearing them. Thanks.
P.S. Any luck on setting up a private lesson or could we have a teleconference?

It is my experience that concentrating on the strength of the tibialis anterior will increase the arch of the foot. This is done in several poses especially open hip poses where external hip rotation is emphasized - triangle, warrior, etc. Also squatting while lifting heels will tone it.

You can set up an individual session in person where I am in Boulder or at any site of my travel schedule. Go to website and check out workshop for schedule. If not possible to meet face-to-face I can do sesion via phone or email.

Could you clarify what your take is on dealing with flat feet through Yogasana. I know this can be a long topic to deal with, but I am referring to an earlier question someone wrote about strengthening arches, with questions about tibialis anterior/posterior. Thanks for everything – Hope you enjoy this holiday time – A

My book Structural Yoga Therapy pg. 103 cites the muscles involved as being tibialis anterior, usually it is weak. And on page 255 cites the poses to do for strengthening it as being triangle, dog, and squats. I find especially raising and lowering the heels, while keeping the hips near the ankles, quite beneficial for strengthening the arches.