Foor distance Warrior vs Triangle

I was wondering about the foot positions of Warrior 1, 2, Side angle pose, and Triangle. Is the distance in the foot position the same in these poses are some farther than others?

I always thought that triangle was closer, and the others were further apart. Is this true?

Depends on which style/school of yoga you are following…

I like to do triangle with feet a little less far than with side angle…but if sequencing triangle and side angle together then will have the feet the same distance for triangle as side angle…as there is a break in the flow if you have to change the feet distance.

In side angle the distance between the feet needs to be wide enough so that when you bring the thigh parallel with the floor the knee is directly over the ankle and the shin is perpendicular to the floor.

Try some wider and less wide triangles and see the differences and what you prefer, what is more suitable for you.

I agree with Yogacambodia: a lot depends on what style of yoga you do.

But much depends also on the relative length of your arms and spine. I have long legs and relatively short arms so the leg position for Triangle is much too short/narrow for Warriors and Side Angle pose.

Generally speaking, standing poses which involve lunging have a greater distance between the feet. Trikonasana is the only pose you mention which is NOT a lunging posture. So for most students the distance between the feet there would be less.

Senin, its a great question, cause in many classes I’ve attended, teachers ask to get from warriors to triangle without changing stances. I was taught to bring feet closer in trikonasana and it actually feels “more better” :slight_smile:

Thanks for the great responses. I tried doing a Triangle, Warrior (1 and 2), then Side Angle. In Triangle the feet were seperated a normal distance, but in the others I noticed that they really needed to be seperated further. Right, they are more lunges.