Foot cramps/Migrains

I have two questions, simple I think. I have one student who keeps getting a cramp in her foot when trying to balance. I start my classes with the Pavanmuktasana Joint Freeing series from your book – then do sun salutation and then go into balances – is there something we can do to avoid this cramping?

Also, I have another student who has a lot of problems with her neck – and it causes her migraines. Western Medicine cannot pin point what it may be, and she is overly cautious about any movement with her neck-she is also nervous about backbends, for it may hurt her neck-any suggestions- (again I start the classes with P. series) – is there certain exercise for her neck that

Can relieve the onset of migraines? Are there variations she should take on specific poses? I thank you so much, as always. All my best to you. Michelle Geft P.S. I love your book on the Sutras! So clear and concise.

I am not sure about avoiding the cramping. Perhaps there is a nutritional imbalance in this student. This I cannot tell perhaps some advisor could. I know that there is an acupuncture point in the middle of the cleft of the upper lip (Governing Vessel 26) that releases cramps wherever they are. It has sometimes even helped for menstrual cramps and those intense ones that some get in the middle of the night. You pinch or rub the spot for 30-120 seconds and the cramp dissipates.

For migraines I suggest she look into how much water she is taking in daily. Not beverages but purified water, ideal is half your body weight in ounces per day consistently. This can help. Also I suggest she do the Pavanmuktasana series daily. The deeper issue is usually a chronic vata imbalance (nervousness and anxiety) and so meditation, relaxation and rhythmic yoga with pranayama accompanying it can help too. In addition there is a neck strengthening exercise in my book page 180 for her to do looking to center and both sides. If I could see her individually I would most likely want to do the neck adjusting motion described on the next page. She will need assistance to do that and should not try it without someone who has been shown how to do it.