Foot issue - Bunion surgery

I have a problem with my feet that in many poses cause me problems. Briefly, I have had bunion surgery on one foot, which failed to work, plus she took out the nail, and in the process caused more problems somewhere in there, and since then I have rolled over on that foot and broken it and sprained it. The other foot also has a bunion. Thus, neither foot has the ability to hold me up like other people’s feet. It is very frustrating because I can do almost any intermediate pose, but when it comes to standing poses, sometimes I can and sometimes I cannot. What can I do to help overcome this problem besides see a podiatrist?

Namaste, P

One suggestion is to stretch apart your toes whenever possible. Most especially do this during standing poses and forward bends especially Downward Dog pose. Sometimes bodywork methods such as Rolfing and connective tissue massage may be helpful too.