Free Will

Will to have,to go,to live
to be happy
to be

What is opposite of free will?
job-just over broke

freedom to think,to walk,enjoy nature gifts
freedom to do as one wish,like,wants
freedom to go or not to go
freedom to open eyes
and look

do people have free will,freedom?
do people have to work in order to eat?

What was written above main gate of Auschwitz?
Arbeit Macht Frei
Work will set you free; Work liberates…

It was an cold winter night
somebody knocks on the door of hard working ant-
ant opens and see grasshopper.
What do you want-ask the ant?
Just take care of my ferrari,please,cause I have to go to Paris
to perform in a concert.
Ant was stunned.
What happened to you?
Somebody has heard my music and gave me a contract
and 5 mil. in advance.
Do you want anything from Paris,grasshopper asked?
Yes,ant replies.
If you see Aesop,tell him
to f… himself :slight_smile: