Frozen Shoulder

My question has to do with frozen shoulder. I know you have discussed this before, but one of your answers to a question in the last column makes me think I may be over looking something. When I met you several years ago in the Cape for a workshop I think I already was suffering with my shoulder, but since then it has gotten much worse, with little to no internal rotation. I am still teaching about 12 yoga classes a week at my studio and always incorporate your joint free series. Although the positions for the internal/external rotation are impossible for me to do. I have tried massage and chiropractic medicine. Should I be looking at my doshas here? Could there be an imbalance that would cause this? A chiropractor I met recently at a training seminar said that frozen shoulder was often an indication of thyroid imbalance? Many thanks Mukunda. Namaste.

My question to you is wondering whether arthritis is a factor. I suspect it is. This is a common situation with increased pitta. In that case I would recommend doing the arthritis diet from my teacher, Indra Devi – see – for details. An anti-pitta diet may be of help in the long run too.

Sometimes doing joint freeing series focusing on developing a feeling of strength in the internal rotation muscles can improve range of motion. If not then I would recommend bodywork by an experienced practitioner. I formerly owned a massage school in Calif. so if you were to meet me then I would do an examination and see whether manipulation of the joint would be of help or hindrance to your situation. Blessings in your sharing of yourself.