Thanks Siva
I think we’re referring to two different things when talking about apana here.
My teacher is referring to apana in this context:
Prana is classified into five major types depending on its location and function.
prana: being located in the chest, responsible for respiration, cardiac function and emotional expression.
apana: being located in the lower abdominal region, responsible for elimination, sexual and reproductive functions.
samana: in the umbilical region, responsible for digestion, assimilation.
udana: in the throat, responsible for communication for eyes, nose, mouth etc.
My teacher says that when we get granthis, they usually reside in the apana region because that’s the region which is responsible for waste disposal, be it crudely, or less tangibly, ie in the case of emotional garbage.
My question is whether there’s a Western explanation for this concept. OK, I get that we need to go to the loo. But as for emotional ‘constipation’ so to speak residing there, I don’t get. Stress, for example can live on the shoulders, or in the back, or in the hips right? I recall asking this question, but the answer was a reiteration of the statement that led to my confusion in the first place. I’m wondering if any of you might be able to shed light on this.
For background, I’m studying in the Krishnamacharya tradition.
Thanks for your time!