Gallbladder disorder

A close friend of mine in her early 20s suffers from nonspecific, autoimmune, poly-articular arthralgia or (in English) a gallbladder related, connective tissue disorder. Symptoms include primarily pain in her joints-somedays her wrists hurt, somedays shoulders, etc. She has also begun practicing Yoga weekly. Any diet, or posture suggestions to help relieve this pain? Would the squash/rice diet you advised for arthritis at your Temple, New Hampshire workshop help?

Thank you, P

Yes I would highly recommend Indra Devi’s anti-arthritis diet. If you did not get details let me know and I can send to you and anyone else who wants it. Also regular practice of my Joint Freeing Series (details in my book and summary on Charts) done with all the movements in harmony with her breathing. That should help. Keep me informed of her changes.