Get up from left side?

In your book, “Structural Yoga Therapy,” while discussing Shavasana, you instruct your readers to get up from the left side. I had always been told to get up from the right side. Would you compare the two and explain why you prefer the left side? V Vijai

If one stays for a while on the side it will open the opposite (the up) side nostril. Hence lying on the left side stimulates right nostril and vice versa. Opening the right nostril opens the left hemisphere of the brain. This is recommended for one who is going from yoga to some worldly activity. For one leaving asana to meditate or do pranayama then it is best to get up from the right side. So it depends largely on what activity is to be following Shavasana as to what side to lie on. For more on this study of Swara Yoga see book by that title from Bihar School of Yoga and also Breath, Mind and Consciousness by Harish Johari. For book ordering information see last page of my Website for links to Indian booksellers and out of print books.