Gift of Shakti

The feeling which I have experienced of being within my teacher’s and my teacher’s teacher’s self and connecting in this outward circle of awareness to the One Formless One seems to me to be an experience of this - beginning to identify with a new or deeper level of awareness, and over time the whole construct of one’s experience transforms to include both the prior level which is understood and transcended, and to expand into a new view of Consciousness.

How can this gift of Shakti be taken away? What was your experience? IS it so that Shakti is a living consciousness, the Self, which is the source of all of creation but not confined to Her? Yes, "Thou art ever one, and ever whole, from Thee this perfect world was born. Yet if all this world should disappear from view, still You would always be the same."
How does this differ from the Healing practices – can they be integrated? Can one work in the field of Shakti awareness with the intention of releasing the constrictions and moving toward wholeness? Namaste. Chandra

Shakti is both personal within each individual and cosmic, the infinite power of the universe taking on all forms of creation. One can loose the connection to the giver as a personal teacher or cosmic by denial, loss of faith, or lack of persistence in sadhana. In my experience with Shakti, the mind must be transformed into the universal form. It is not unlike grains of salt dissolving into the sea from which they were formed in the first place. As this primal energy is at the root of all, one’s mind must also enter into that level of responsibility and love. By developing a loving relationship to all creation based on questions like How can I serve you? Will you Show me your true Form? Let me lie in your arms. These questions and pleading for Grace all receive attention. It is persistence and faith that are required for the experiences to come of that connection to Grace. From our spiritual experiences comes more faith and confidence that we are all children of the Divine and thus can have no other destiny but to return to the loving embrace of the One that is One with all. The main suggestions are to cultivate a mind filled with questions that only She can Answer. Communicate to Her as being the one who lives within your psyche and the One who is your best beloved.

To embody the Shakti One is given spiritual names so that you will identify yourself with the Shakti. That is the reason for being called Chandra. By holding yourself as being the light of the Goddess of the Moon, you will manifest the qualities that She embodies and you will then embody Her.