Good Links!

In this thread The Scales Posts good links he finds! I won’t be a ham. You can post your [I]good[/I] links as well.

Here’s the first kids!

It’s obscene what ‘they’ are allowed to spray on produce.

Click on “blueberries” and “tomatoes” for a real gas. Bad pun intended!

[B]“Mommy? Can I have more neruotoxin, endocrine disruptor and known carcinogens please?”[/B]

Stay informed. Educate others. Share amongst your network.
Remember - we have the control. We have the money!
We dictate what is done by what we buy.

One of the Very Best humanitarian organizations I’ve found.

Scientific. Rational. Determined.


They are on my daily favorites.

Its a one man show in here.

jee… what can we eat now? we do not have a choice… well we have a choice between cancerogenic and neuritoxic food :frowning:

in our local food store they put a sign next to the weg section and the sign lists all yak they spray on the food… so what? would I still buy it? do I have a choice if organic producers do the same thing with their crops…

This article is of concern to everyone - I think.

BPA is highly caustic and damaging to the Human organism - even in minute quantities. Pound for pound. or rather microgram for microgram BPA is far more damaging and devastating to the body than most things.

Please read

Within the link in post 4 Dr.Mercola gives suggestions for minimizing exposure to BPA by focusing on the avoidance of Plastics. While I think most of this is sensible advice - we know the primary method of human ingestion of this highly caustic chemical is through skin contact with certain kinds of cash register and credit card receipts.


It takes just micrograms of this garbage to mess with the hormonal system and cause damage to vital organs.

Just one little flake of it . . . can be quickly absorbed through the skin - within minutes - within seconds.

“Mommy why can’t I concentrate? Why do the doctors say I have ADHD?”

"Because Timmy. Not only are most pesticides endocrine disruptors - but honey poo - they are also yummy neurotoxins. Now eat your GMO soy cheerio flakes!

and , if you can, remember to take your “concentration medicine” and wash it down with a nice cool glass of pasteurized chocolate mystery milk!"

“thanks mommy!”

“No don’t thank me - thank your government, the FDA, the USDA, corporate lobbyists, and all the large corporations who do everything - just for the money!”

neurotoxin |ˈn(y)oŏrōˌt?ksin|
[I]a poison that acts on the nervous system.[/I]

and now for this . . .

Another one of the best!

Informative, active, GLOBAL, and on top of the issues!

Pesticide Action Newtork or PAN

Here’s another good one.

I especially liked thier article on btCorn!

Do you have food allergies that you didn’t have as a kid?

Do your children have food allergies?

A thing of appreciation for you personally. The skill of doing of writing things is great. Keep posting articles such as these. An excellent post.