Good place/center to learn?

I’m looking for a good place in India to learn yoga and meditation. I’m asking here to get some first-hand information, so I don’t go for a tourist trap.

I have some back problems and some anxiety issues, after trying/failing conventional medicine, and after hearing some great things about yoga and meditation from friends and family, I would like to get started.

I’m already in Asia, and planning to go to India in 2 months.

any info would be much appreciated. thanks

The Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre, Dharamkott, Dharamsala or it’s counterpart in Goa. The teacher is Sharat Arora who is a great teacher and long-term student of B.K.S. Iyengar.

Try the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai. They have a clinic and personalized classes where you could get help with your back problems and anxiety issues, and offer a few intensive classes for beginners as well.

I will have a look at those.

anybody else have ideas?

I have to say that if it’s anxiety issues your having, then a lot of the classes in India will only intensify it because they try to push students too far too soon. This is because the customers they are used to dealing with are young Westerners who approach yoga not seriously really but with a view to “improving” as quickly as possible and doing hard poses to boost their own ego. I’ve heard stories of people fainting in class! They also havbe beginner students doing pranayam which is extremely dangerous and can really shake the nervous system.

The Himalayan Yoga Centre that I mention is real yoga in that it is very basic and realistic. They will definitley help your back trust me! A healthier back will cure your anxiety problems :slight_smile:

Google it, I haven’t made enough posts yet to be eligible to post links!