Hammer toes

I have 2 people who are interested in coming to yoga to learn JFS to relieve hammer toe! I hope they can receive some of the relief I did (as you may remember, that was my first presenting problem to you, written into Structural Yoga Therapy for posterity). I wondered if you had any more suggestions on this problem (I didn’t see anything on Yoga Forums).

I now have a problem with my own toes on the left foot. The toe next to the big toe is moving over toward it, which I think would be called hammer toe - haven’t had a diagnosis. The great toe is twisting in to meet it, so that I feel pressure when walking on the outer nail and on the toe next to the great toe. I have begun to do JFS 2X/day since that is what worked last time. My massage therapist has suggested myofascial work on it which I will do Jan. 2nd. It must have to do with some sort of tightness there.

Hammer toes is when the toes are curled under so far that the nails disappear. My Main suggestion is to do prolonged hero pose and gradually work to get feel parallel. Apply this principle to all postures where knees in flexion and ankles dorsiflexion ? camel, half hero, 3 limbs forward bend (triang mukaikapada paschimottanasana). Massage is most helpful. See comments on feet and ankles in the forum too. Suggest contacting Robert at rncory@att.net he is writing paper on ankle foot problems.