Hamstring tendons

My concerns this morning involve the hamstring tendons first. I have
suffered from this injury for 3 years. I have used a recovery method that is
quite helpful, (Salabhasana without the legs coming off the mat, but
engaging the muscles only) (also using ice), but when I teach a flow class
or sun salutations I really suffer near the end of class or later that day.
I focus on going only half way to Uttanasana, with little or no effect. The
pain is in both sit bones and the next morning this pain is throughout the
entire hamstring on both legs. I’m recommending to students that have this
problem; not to bend their knees & only go half way in Uttanasana or with
legs wider than hip distance apart. Help!

Where is the injury? To origin of muscle at the base of the
gluteal fold or in lower leg? Your ideas are good countermeasures t hey are
not therapeutic in the sense of alleviating the condition though. I would
recommend sacroiliac dysfunction exercise for both issues. It needs to be
learned directly not from book or flyer that describes it. Can you get to
me or one of my students?

The second concern is SI Joints: Going to the right side in
Utthita Trikonasana in great. Going to the left feels like the hip gets
jammed & the femur gets stuck with no where to go, then comes the pain that
runs down the side & back of left leg. Can this be the SI Joint or am I
totally missing the signs? I’m stress to the students, keep the pelvic
region level will help prevent these problems. Am I on the right track

This pain sounds more like sciatica can come from s/I or
nerve roots at spinal column, or due to injury of hamstrings. Best is a
personal assessment to tell the difference. Keeping the pelvis level is
more likely to cause more trouble. One needs to move from the hip sockets
while keeping the upper torso neutral. Do not lean with the arms nor hold
pelvis rigidly, both will cause trouble.