
I’ve read a few threads on this site concerning forward bending poses, but of course, I’m a person with those typical tight hamstrings (thank to gymnastics and exercises for decades that were meant to bulk up the hamstrings rather than stretch them) that probably is getting in the way of my ability to fully realize the benefits of forward bending poses.
While I don’t feel I’m in danger of causing harm to self, I do know that I’m not yet there in terms of actually bending at the hips, to draw in the belly, allow for crown to be facing the floor etc, and allowing the spine to stretch.
Can anyone here tell me poses I should incorporate into my daily practice to further my ability to slowly let loose those hamstrings?
Or should I just keep doing what I’m doing…basically just getting myself into what I consider a proper forward bend…and then reminding myself that the bend should be at the hips? I often have to do my forward bends with legs bent.
Thanks so much in advance for any advice offered.:smiley:

Supta Padangusthasana every day, twice a day.
Of course the pose actually requires certain alignments and actions and has to be crafted to suit the level of the student and grow with them as they grow.

In addition to what Gordon suggests, use a block when you do a forward bend and keep your knees straight. By keeping your knees bent (due to tight hamstrings) you are staying in a contraction and not lengthening. Using a block to rest your fingers/hands and keeping knees straight will encourage lengthening them.

I have always had tight hamstrings and when I returned to my yoga practice mid life, I was advised to use a pillow under my buttocks. This really helped me with forward bends. Just slightly raising the hips will take a lot of strain off the hamstrings and allow you to gently stretch them. Be patient it can take a long time.