Has yoga helped you overcome impulsive behavior?

for me i believe it helped me overcome impulsive behavior for one reason. the peace that i achieve through yoga is not received immediately. it takes atleast a half hour or more of deep breathing and meditation for me to get the deep benefits. it has taught me patience and when i go about my life i relize that most impulsive actions are not rewarding, if i have to work at something then the rewards are usually fulfilling. yoga has so many benefits. i love the peace and balance it brings to my life

There are 2 perspectives on how this happens. From ayurveda point of view vata the biological source of prana is affected in a positive way. One learns how to bring vata home and from that prana stays in the multidimensional subtle bodies. this results in clearer thinking and as a result positive actions.
The other perspective is focusing on being sattvic in your sadhana. This comes from reading the Yoga Sutras regularly. This ancient guidebook shows how all yoga practices are to be done to create serenity. it is invaluable with or without a teacher. namaste mukunda

thanks mukunda, i have so much knowledge to gain when it comes to yoga but i do have a great teacher. thanks for the wisdom that is passing through you…continue to let it flow and in that way it will always grow. namaste

This is a dialog i will share from recent student who i will keep anonymous.
She is having great difficulty transforming confusion, anger, and finding right behavior for manifesting spirit.

    Q - checking in with my latest assignment between phone call appointments. I am finding it to be difficult.  I have not worked on my what do i want from another? vs. what do i have with my family? chart because sometimes I think this is so ludicrous, of course I would never leave my family, and then other days I ask what am I doing here, but usually I am far from a computer screen or paper and pen. I am not doing well as a mom.  I am still occasionally raging.  The raging yesterday was a complete loss of control. I couldn't get myself out of the rage.  It was pretty awful.  The people I hang around with don't speak of this behavior and while I am sure others do it, when I do, I feel like the most complete failure at everything.  maybe its PMS this time. maybe it is the recognition of my lonely heart that I put on paper using charcoals and pastels the night before with the art therapy session I had.  You are right, I need chocolate.  

         A - Anger must be transformed and for that it must first be acknowledged.  That we all cause harm to others is not easy to perceive.  But perceive it we must.  Ahimsa is yoga?s first vow.  Without that we will continue to cause harm to self and others.  Anger is usually arising from not knowing the truth ? not being willing to tell yourself you are unhappy because of some illusive frustrated desire. Filling out your chart will help you to uncover what is beneficial and what is wanted.  Move through this ? do your spiritual homework ? and have some chocolate.  namaste mukunda