
My question: What’s the truth about neck extension and headstands?

In terms of extension: We are designed to be able to look up … what does that say about dropping head back / looking up? Should our students and we avoid bringing the head back? Axial extension is OK (stretching the crown straight upward, lengthening the spine), but not increasing the cervical lordosis?

In terms of headstands: Are they a good idea, at least for people with no disk problems in the neck? (I understand that for me, w. cervical radic. and degeneration, they are no longer indicated) Looking at the cervical vertebrae, they are so delicate (compared w. lumbar), and the top 2 aren’t even cushioned w. disk material … they’re designed to carry the weight of the head (12 lbs), not the weight of the body. So, perhaps headstands should be avoided? Yet, so many people do them, love them, and find them beneficial. Your thoughts? Thanks.

Blessings, Hamsa (“She-Who-Asks-A-Zillion-Questions”)

Looking up seems in the design plan of the master Creator. Dropping head back is possible but does it make sense? We can also do many other things like control our own destiny, override others point of view, question authority and not listen to their answers, become our own guru. But one must examine for where is the wisdom in all actions and thoughts. Otherwise where is the Yoga?

For me always go to what feels safe and comfortable (YS II, 46-47) and relax effort. If effort cannot be relaxed then whatever I am doing is not Yoga. Headstand is a wonderful pose and worth the effort provided one is strong at shoulders enough to hold their own weight. Handstands are best thought of as preparation for headstand, not as more advanced than they. How long one can stay in handstand determines how long to do headstand. They are not good when pitta is up such as summer (now!).