Health problem

Hello everyone!

I’m relatively new at yoga, but have been reading your wounderfull forum for a period of time. I have impression that there might bee a quolified person to anwser my question (answer that woud bee much appreciated).

To get to the point. I'm suffering from epilepsy, and also have a benign tumor of small proportions in front lobe of my brain. Can yoga asanas that increase brain circulation ( such as Adho Mukha Svanasana, salamba sarvangasana, Halasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana) aggravate theese condicions?

Sorry for the long post. Also, try to excuse my english - it’s not my first language :wink:

Hmmm, very interesting!, these points are great. I have come across people healing from it in retreats and have heard that it also helps to work on the subtle body, as in loving ourselves, taking time off, making sure we are not overworking, oh and also, ensuring the colon is clean. But Yeah yoga can help your case

Hello Milica,

Generally speaking inversions are not advised for students with tumors in the brain. When inversions are used they are a) used briefly, b) used gently, c) modified, and d) done under ths strict supervision of a senior, qualifies, therapeutically trained teacher.



my brother and my friend got the same problem… my bro get more seizures when he nervous…so cooling breathing, daily meditation, and restorative yoga is quite helpful. friend of mine find yoga helpfull too… hard to advise on forum, you gotto find good yoga therapist and work derectly, maybe few private classes will be enought to lead you on to the practice

Yoga methods like asanas (poses), pranayamas(breathing exercises) and dhyan(meditations), etc. are beneficial in case of Epilepsy and brain tumour. But asanas especially inversions are not advised in case of brain tumour.
Secondly, it seems to me, it is the brain tumour causing you Epilepsy. If it is so, you need to be more careful even while doing other asanas. Moreover, proper therapeuitic advice will also depend on possible cause of the tumour as per assessment and tests conducted by your Neurologist(s).
I believe that Viprit Karni with props (as suggested by B.K.S. Iyenger), preceeded by relaxation for 30 seconds+ (till pulse and B.P. get normal) is safer than any other inverted pose.
Other asanas that can be practiced in such a cases are restorative poses.
In the breathing exercises, Anulom-vilom (Nari-shodhan or Alternate breathing) with ratio of either 1:1 or 1:2 or (maxium) 1:1/2:2 is beneficial for smooth, balanced and cordinated functioning of the brain. In case Epilepsy and brain tumour neuron firing rate tends to be high infrequently.
A beginner’s form of meditation, which of course should not be causing you light headedness and giddiness) practised for 10 to 20 minutes will be beneficial.

Hello again!

I realy want to thank everyone for your replyes. All your advices are noted and they are of much help.

@cheekygirl - thanks for posting. I’m already trying to walk the path that you described, so conformation and good energy mean soo much.

@InnerAthlete, thanks for your expert advice.

@CityMonk, I’m sorry to hear about your brother and friend - it’s a daily struggle, and after some time it stops beeing hard for us, patients. People close to us suffer harder.

@HealthAndYoga, you are right about focal point of my epi seizures. Also, you gave me few intresting topics to think about.



dhyan is the best yoga for brain tumor…

YES you are right and yoga improves our stamina and our full body getting healthy. i thnk no exercise in the complement for yoga.

[QUOTE=swan-yoga-goa;76210]dhyan is the best yoga for brain tumor…[/QUOTE]

Yes. I agree. Maybe your “problem” is just what you need? Meaning the “problem” drives you to find a solution and that solution is the very thing you need for your own, ulitmate, good.

I would suggest a careful meditative approach.

First Localize your awareness generally - in the area of the head. You put attention into the area of the head. You feel your head, and you “try” to sit with it. If the mind is flipping around like a wild horse. Be patient. Do that for sometime. Localize awareness in the general area of the head for A couple weeks.

Then gradually, slowly, over the course of time work your concentration into a more focused area in your head, perhaps where the blockage or “tumor” is.

Don’t just go balls to the wall straight to the location of where your problem is. Be cautious. Like a scientist. Methodical. Feel around.
Note any experiences or discomfort. Think things over. Readjust if necessary.

Your meditational activity should be a profound boon to you in more ways than one.

ya its all right and i also agree with your discussion…thankx

Yoga as medicine! I believe in it.

Dear Milica,

Thank you for sharing your issue with us.
If you are new to yoga then its always best to do Yogic therapy under the guidance of experienced Yoga Therapist.
As you know we don’t know that how severe your seizures are, and sometimes asanas can also trigger stress & anxiety if the sequence is correct or adapted.
There is no hit formula in yogic therapy that you do this sequence and you will be OK. The therapist is going to monitor you and your condition and adapte where necessary. Yoga is no magic but miracles can happen.
What could boost to stabilize your health condition is your own positive attitude towards the dis-ease, life, and your surroundings.
In the end the peace of mind is all what matters.
Be with yourself, love, share make the best out of this little life we all have it for once (life is once only if you identify that this is it , but if you think you are not your body, not your mind, you are something deep beneath The Ultimate Reality then there are no issues left).

I believe that there are wonderful people exists in this world, just by being near them all issues disappear, but until you find any of them, kindly look for Iyengar yoga association around you and discuss your issue with them.

May you be in harmony with yourself.