Hello everyone.
I have just had a look around here and decided to join up.
I am a complete newbie to yoga, having taken just two beginners classes in Ashtanga Yoga. I found the first one very calming and felt energised for the rest of the week. The second was pretty taxing though and gave me a bit of a downer after my early success. Getting out of breathe due to the exersion and so not able to breathe with the moves properly.
I am pretty overweight, moderately unfit I suppose, and not at all flexible at the moment. I know that yoga is not a sport and that regardless how others do, I should be able to progress on my own path.
Being in a class where virtually everyone can bend down and put their hands flat on the floor is a bit dispiriting though, when the best I can manage is half way down my shins.
Is it normal for people to be on a high when they start and then hit a bit of an anitclimax after a while. Hope I don’t come across as being too whiney or negative but it has quite shocked me how bad I have felt about my practice this week. I actually went into a rage this morning as I was so frustrated by the number of things I couldn’t do. Setting up a mirror probably didn’t help. I thought I had a reasonable downward dog until I saw my reflection - terrible!
Certainly going to stick with it for the eight lesson block I have at the moment and will keep doing the basic stuff longterm.
Glad to be doing it though, and glad to be here.