Hello from Puyallup!

While you are trying to pronounce Puyallup, I will introduce myself.

I am 42 years old, male, 5’9", and 194 lbs. I lift weights and do cardio. My diet is not what it should be. Working on it, just got a boot in the butt with a cholesterol test.

I have a couple doctors recommending that I try yoga. One, for the physical side, stretching etc. The other, to help me relax and slow down my mind.

I have looked around a bit and I am just overwhelmed with information on yoga.
Where should a person start? I am not in a position to go pay someone for classes. My gym does offer them but I am not fond of the hours. A few anxieties over a class as well.

I see several types of yoga. What type would I look into for flexibility, strength, and meditation? I am not sure if meditation is right. I just need to quiet the mind to help with focus.

If I were to start at home, what exercises and positions should I start with?

Thank you, and again, hello. :smiley:

I personally would not recommend starting at home, simply because I think teachers, at least in the beginning of your practice, are more capable of pushing you out of your comfort zone, and therefore out of your mind and into your breath. I actually still struggle with practicing on my own, because I dont think I push myself as much as my teachers do, so I dont get as much out of it. It’s definitely gotten better over time though, but I couldn’t imaging having started on my own.

My advice would be to just try them all until you find a style that “fits” you. Don’t hesitate, just march yourself into any class that fits your schedule, and go for it. The benefits of a structured yoga routine in your life will ensure that youll never look back. Fear is excitement without the breath. =)

Good luck =)

Hello Rattletop,

I’m not a yoga teacher, I’m a self-taught practitioner. I suggest that you start with either Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) or basic standing asanas. My personal preference these days is Ashtanga (Sun Salutation). I like it because it is a nice, balanced combination of forward bends and back bends, and will get your heart pumping a little. I will give you a couple of links that will help you get started. If you don’t want to do Surya Namaskar, then I suggest that you get “Light On Yoga” by BKS Iyengar and start with standing asanas.


beginner video

This video is part of a series. The other parts are there too. Don’t worry that you can’t do everything perfect right away. You’ll get there.