While you are trying to pronounce Puyallup, I will introduce myself.
I am 42 years old, male, 5’9", and 194 lbs. I lift weights and do cardio. My diet is not what it should be. Working on it, just got a boot in the butt with a cholesterol test.
I have a couple doctors recommending that I try yoga. One, for the physical side, stretching etc. The other, to help me relax and slow down my mind.
I have looked around a bit and I am just overwhelmed with information on yoga.
Where should a person start? I am not in a position to go pay someone for classes. My gym does offer them but I am not fond of the hours. A few anxieties over a class as well.
I see several types of yoga. What type would I look into for flexibility, strength, and meditation? I am not sure if meditation is right. I just need to quiet the mind to help with focus.
If I were to start at home, what exercises and positions should I start with?
Thank you, and again, hello.