HELLO! Happy to find this fabulous community

Hi everyone! I just found this site today and am so excited with what I have already learned just by exploring through these posts. I am new to Yoga and have been taking the classes offered at my fitness club for about 5-6 months 3-4 times a week. They have added many classes since I started attending and even have a program to educate Yoga educators now. I am luck in this aspect because they allow me into their teaching classes to watch and participate in the flows. I just love being around these wonderful people whos lives revolve around a state of well-being for themselves and those who come to them for help.
I am hooked! I crave the parts of my day that will be dedicated to the practice and while currently I am more involved in the physical conditioning element and could only describe most of what I do as power Vinyasa with some Ashtanga classes. I am learning more and more about the yogi lifestyle and why it is so important to understand the theory as a whole instead of focusing on the physical benefits (which are immeasurable)
I have started looking inward and changing habits from what I eat to how I react to others. It has been liberating and seems to fill a void that I didnt even know I had. Physically I am very strong and I think this is part of the reason I fell in love with Yoga. I am able to physically handle almost anything they throw at me and this frees me to focus on breathing and turning inward. My flexibility has increased so much (a must for strength training junkies) my trainer is in shock at how much Yoga has helped me with my lifting and endurance as well as attitude, though he does seem to fear losing my business as I become more and more involved in yoga and less involved in cross-fit and lifting.
I would welcome any advise that could help me cross further into this world from my weight and strength training universe that is so firmly bases soley in the physical. I have tried meditation but my mind wanders so quickly. I have a hard time in restoritive practices like Hatha as well. I feel like a restless 4 year old. It seems that I need a high level of physical demand in order to stay focused and I know this can and should change.
Anyway Im excited to be here and am positive that there will never be a time in my life going forward where yoga is not a big part of who I am.

Hey there! It’s fantastic to have you here :slight_smile: I love how excited you are about the practice of yoga. See you around the forum!