Hello! I'm new here!

Hi Everyone! I’m fairly new to yoga. I’ve only been doing it about 2 months and my instructor just left me for Japan for the summer. So I’m trying to stay with it in her absence and thought joining here might help. I do love doing it and I want to continue to get more advanced. Look forward to getting to know everyone!

Hi there!! I’m pretty new to this forum too.

My instructor went on vacation for 2.5 weeks about a month back and the sub they had didnt do the same style-- it was a challenge for me to figure out ways to get what I still needed while she was gone.

I tried to find similar instructors at other studios, and while one came close, no one compared to my current instructor. I was so happy when she came back!

It was a long 2.5 weeks for me— good for you for looking for ways to tide you over for the summer. Good luck and hang in there!!!

Welcome to the forum! You can use use the search function to find some excellent threads on nearly every topic of Yoga practice.
