I did a search on the forums, but really didn’t see anything so I apologize if I am repeating something. I’ve read this site for some time now, but only very recently registered and this is one of my first posts.
I can’t help but feel that many others new to yoga and these forums have the same difficulties with navigating the site that I do. Mainly, I do not know all of the Sanskrit names for poses, methods, and techniques, and DEFINITELY have no idea to pronounce them. How in the world do y’all memorize all of that?! And get the spelling right? :lol:
I’ve also looked on the internet and it’s surprisingly difficult to find “glossaries” or other sources that give phonetic pronunciations of the poses. Does anyone know of a legitimate source of this information? Or is there a thread here that I’m missing which lists what I’m looking for?
I’m not sure what etiquette is, either, when referring to certain poses on this forum. It seems as if most people use the Sanskrit terms which, for me, is tedious because I have to keep looking things up throughout the text. I’m surprised more people don’t at least parenthesize the “common” term when they use Sanskrit names. I would imagine there are a lot of beginners here, trying to educate themselves and learn and develop their practices and it simply doesn’t seem incredibly user friendly to us newbies…
Thanks so much!