Hepatitis C

I hope all is well with you and hate to bother you but was hoping you could help me with one of my students. I have a student that has Hepatitis C and suffers from nausea after her weekly Chemotherapy injections. She has asked me for any suggestions that might help her through this challenging period of her week. Do you have any experience or suggestions for a situation like this? I really appreciate any help that you could give my student and me. Thank you.

T - I have had a close friend with Hepatitis C. For this condition the major issue is to increase her immune system. This can be done with a mixture of restorative poses, gentle flowing series of vinyasas short and coordinated with breathing (which balances vata and increases prana), plus meditation and positive affirmation thinking. Whatever gets her into joy and happiness is to be encouraged. As a teacher be light and playful with her. Focusing upon connecting to the spiritual realms are very important.