Hernia in the lower back

Dear Mr. Stiles,

I’m reading your book yoga therapy. It is really very interesting. I’m practicing yoga for over 10 years and this year my education to become a yoga instructor. I, m living in 15 km from Amsterdam. Can you inform about instructors who are educated by your Centre in my region or in Amsterdam? Further I would like to have advise/instructions for myself. Three years ago I had a hernia in the lower back (between 4 and 5). At this moment I’ doing quite well. Once in a wile I however I have severe pains. Can you advise me what to do or not to do? Thank you very much for your information.

Kind regards, B

No one in Europe except a man in Bern, Switzerland and another in Moscow has had any training with me. I have not come there to give courses as of yet. I hope to find a sponsor there somewhere as my book is now in Dutch language. As for your disc. I would recommend mild backbending poses like bridge, locust, and cobra with no weight bearing on your hands. Do these poses repetitively without effort just to your range of motion? I would recommend you also do not do forward bends without bending your knees and focusing on strengthening your hip flexors. More details about recommendations for this issue can be found on my other Website - yogaforums.com there you will find any topic you wish to understand better searchable by headings. blessings to you.

namaste Mukunda