Hernia Question

I am working privately with a middle aged, active, male who has a mild abdominal hernia. What are your suggestions for therapeutic approaches for this condition?
Om Shanti, M

M - For a hernia the best approach is to be gentle and allow the body to heal. Mostly eliminate any overexertion in postures and daily routine including sex life and eating. Moderation in all activities is often the opposite of the personality that created the condition. Secondarily stop all poses and activities that extend the hip thus stretching the hernia region or flex the hip with weight bearing (lifting objects or squat, chair pose). Also eliminate strong pranayamas like Kapalabhati, Agnisar DHOUTI, Uddiyana, and Bhastrika. What is beneficial is mild abdominal toning – boat pose (NAVASANA), upward legs (Urdhva Prasarita Padottanasana), supported half Shoulderstand (Viparita Karani), and abdominal contractions during exhalation? If the latter is done during all Asana practice this can help make a difference more rapidly.