Hey Hey Hey!


My name is Brittany and I am from Canada. I fell in love with yoga just over a year ago, but due to an unfortunate dating-fellow-yogi experience, I only started going back to the class and really dedicating myself to it in September. Now I get to see an ex-boyfriend-yogi twice a week, but it’s okay. Yes.

I am so in love with yoga. From the way it makes me feel physically (hello being able to bend into weird shapes) to how I feel mentally, it’s all amazing.

I’m definitely still at a beginner level, and I aim to go about three times a week to a class that is offered at my gym. I do kundalini yoga and hatha yoga. I’ve never thought of myself as a spiritual person, but I really love how that aspect of it.

So, yes. That’s me!

Hi me. Love your energy. Welcome to the forum.

Hi Brittany, thanks for introducing yourself! I’m so glad you’re getting so much out of your practice. I look forward to seeing you around the forum :slight_smile:

Thank you!!!