Hi, I’m Ken.
I went through the p90x program recently which had some Yoga in it, usually once a week and twice on “Rest” weeks. I’ve become a huge fan of Yoga and thinking of doing it more frequently, to increase strength, lose a little weight around the midsection and gain more flexibility.
I also thought it was a good idea to include my girlfriend in this so I recently purchased 3 DVD’s from Amazon. AM/PM Yoga, Beginners Yoga, and Full Body Yoga all performed by Rodney Yee. I hear these videos are great and I can’t wait to get them.
Because I’ve become a huge fan I almost want to drop the entire cardio/weight lifting thing all together and run with a more vigorous Yoga 100%. My ultimate goals are not to be huge and muscular. I simply would like to be very healthy, a flat stomach and lean/toned muscles.
Would 5-6 vigorous 60 minute Yoga sessions a week get me to where I want to be? Also I’ve been eating very healthy thanks to p90x.
Thanks ahead of time!