Hi Everyone

Another total newby here.

Not even got as far a finding a class :confused:. There seem to be many forms of yoga out there, so a little advice as to which would be usefull for me would be great.

A little background… I participate in many outdoor sports, mainly climbing, and a couple of years ago I had a little fall, strangely enough it did’nt hurt at the time, but now have back problems which have been getting worse ever since.

I’m told by my physio that when I fell, I put my hips out of alignment, causing my lower vertibrae to lock together (meaning my lower back does not bend very well).

In short, my hamstrings are too tight and my back too weak, so my back keeps being pulled out of alignment, and I end up back in physio again :eek:.

He recomends something like yoga for core strength, stability and flexability. At the moment I’m in good health and fitness but as flexable as a plank of wood!

So which form of yoga would be best?

Many thanks, and see you around!


PS Can recommend a class in North Wales?

Hi, there, and welcome to the forums!
It sounds like your interest in yoga is primarily physical, so I recommend a school of yoga that involves rigorous attention to the physical – an alignment-based school. Since you have a specific ailment you are trying to counter, a yoga therapist’s training is probably what you want in a teacher.
I’m not familiar with the offerings in north Wales, but looking for words like “therapy” and references to Mr. Iyengar should be a good start.
Let us know what you find!

Hi Chris and welcome to another UK yoga fan!

Good advice above although I’m stumped on recommending a Yoga Therapist near you - whereabouts in North Wales are you?

Hi there,

Thanks for the welcome! I’m Up on the Coast, near Llandudno. Been busy on google looking around, but not much joy there. There seem to be many teachers around but can’t find anything on regular classes.

Might pop around to the local leisure centre and see if they know!

Thanks again

Hi Chris,

Welcome to the Forum. I would like to echo the advice given by Techne, perhaps first find a Yoga Therapist and work with such a person on your issues, before you just join a conventional class. Sometimes the problem with conventional classes are that the teacher rather present a yoga flow that might suit everybody and not the individual with your kind of problems.

Once you have worked on your problem with a Yoga Therapist you can inconjunction with the Thrapist decide on what would be the best style for you then and the way forward.

Many thanks for your comments Pandara,

Sadly the closest therapist I can find is quite some distance away so it would be unlikely for me to be able to see him on a regular basis.

I have however, over the last couple of days been atempting some of the more gental postures, concentrating mostly on my lower back and hips, with many twists and movements involving bringing my knees to my chest. Six 10 min sessions over the two days and I can really feel the benifit and the constant ache has gone!

I shall, of course, carry on looking for a more local therapist, but in the mean time Any other advice regarding other usefull exercises would be more then welcome.

Once again, many thanks!
