Hi - I am new!

Hi, I am new to the site and wanted to introduce myself. :slight_smile:

I started practicing yoga formally (in a studio) in September of 2007. I have since practiced at least twice weekly in a class setting, with additional practice at home.

For the past year my practice has been solely iyengar style yoga.

I also walk several miles each day, and eat a strict vegetarian diet (I am currently vegan).

:slight_smile: namaste.

This is my first post! I am not very computer savvy, but I long to communicate with other practitioners of yoga! I have been practicing Anusara Yoga for approx. 2 years and am becoming more aware of my body each day. I am a Pitta/Vitta type and am interested in the journey of others in their practice. I am a heavyset athlete who took up yoga to improve my golf game. Now I find Yoga to be very compelling. I am of Native American and Irish decent. I am a native of Oklahoma in the U.S. Each day is a journey and I want to learn more about my Kula! Nomaste!!

Hi Soonerpaul! Good to meet you!

Has yoga improved your golf game?

Yes, but Yoga is now more interesting and fulfilling! I love Chicago(I hitchhiked there when I was fifteen) and can still remember Picasso’s red statue and the cold wind off Lake Michigan! I looked pretty out of place with my buffalo skin jacket, long hair (I look like a scalped enemy now), and beaded Commanche necklace in the middle of downtown Chicago. That must have been in 1970? Thank you for your reply…Night night!

Hi Wildflower and Soonerpaul!

It’s so nice to have you here.