High arched feet

Q - thank you for your reply! I don’t tend to do Virasana much due to knee issues, particularly one knee that has a meniscal tear.
I don’t have feet pain in general but i do have a variety of knee/hip/foot issues and challenges with balance poses.

I did have a foot attack this year (i took off too much callous from my feet and had a lot of foot pain for a few days), which negatively impacted my lower back, which i’ve been working on easing and decompressing for months now. It’s getting better.

A - My advice based on my own high arches is to do prolonged Virasana working towards getting the feel parallel. In general Iyengar?s standing poses which make up the first 6 of my 24 Structural Yoga Therapy book series, that these are most helpful. In general I don?t work too much on this issue unless there is pain. I don?t have pain myself. Connective tissue bodywork like Rolfing is most beneficial. namaste