High Blood Pressure

Mr. Stiles, Several months ago I found out I had and still do have high blood pressure. I got on the Internet, found your book and purchased it along with a blood pressure monitor. I have been doing the exercises in your book faithfully and really enjoy what I am learning. My problem is though when I do the exercises my blood pressure significantly rises (both numbers)! One thing I have found is that when I get on a treadmill and walk two miles at a steady pace (it takes about 35 minutes), my blood pressure is significantly lowered. So lately I have done the treadmill and not the yoga poses because my results are so much better with the treadmill. I do not want to abandon the yoga because I love how I am mentally these days. Any suggestions?

There are two polar opposite reactions to exercise with elevated blood pressure. The field of study that helps yoga therapists make more precise recommendations is to know Ayurveda. This is the energetic natural medicine that is compatible with yoga. People who have the condition of Ayurvedic vata elevated need to train in progressive relaxation, focusing on learning to release specific muscle tensions as they do yoga with rhythmic breathing and that lowers their pressure. The other is people with elevated Kapha conditions who need to exert themselves moderately but prolonged. For them practices like longer sun salutation done slowly but for duration will produce the effect you found with your 35-minute treadmill walk. So judging from your findings I would suggest you do sun salutes and also do the intercostal breathing for brief periods of time (2-3 minutes) and gradually increase your stamina to do them longer. I am writing a book on this it is nearly finished, called Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy. May the blessings of yoga deepen as you persist at adapting it to your situation.