Hip Pain

I am 24 yrs.I have pain in my Hip and in the my left inner thigh while sitting in Cross-legged(Indian style), i cant sit for more than 2 mins in this position and also it pains in night while i am sleeping in some positions and there is no pain in thigh while i walk or sit in any other positions. I consulted a orthopedic surgeon and got my X-ray and MRI done but both said its normal so doctor said there is no problem as such but i still do have the pain from last 6 months…
So please let me know is there any yoga to overcome the pain???

I have chronic hip pain. Stand in Tadasana, chest open, root left, crunch right to outside of right knee and switch and same with left. If there is a restriction start your search for a chiro f0cus on L5.

Hello Ramesh,

Can you be more thorough please in outlining what’s going on? We only have your verbal picture to go on and you’ve left enough holes for swiss cheese.

What sort of pain? Sharp or dull? Constant or intermittent? Numb or achy? Specific or radiating? Is it better in the morning or evening? hot or cold? standing or lying down? Does a warm shower make it better or worse?

Do you have the same issue in Baddha Konasana, Vrksasana, Trikonasana, Parsva Supta Padangusthasana, Parsvakonasana, Uppavishta Konasana, Janu Sirsaana? In fact do you have a yoga practice of any sort (you don’t mention)?

Therapeutic issues need to be assessed and that assessment should be in-person. However when it is not in-person it is entirely dependent either on a) a complete guess by a stranger or b) a verbal Rembrandt from the person posting.


Thanks for the reply.To say more clearly about the pain.

I have pain only while sitting in cross legged and not while sitting in any chair or in any position.
And regarding the pain its a dull pain , and i will be feeling uncomfortable to sit as pain increases gradually to sharp in sitting for some time in that position and if i stand up or lye down(to say clearly just if i come out of that position) from cross legged, the pain vanishes and i will be alright.
The pain is like mild pain from hip to inner thigh.
As i told the pain is only while sitting cross legged its same irrespective if i sit in morning or evening or in hot or cold.
And regarding the pain in other asanas yes as said earlier if i fold the leg (like cross legged) i have the pain.

And not a regular yoga practicer but recently i was planning to do yoga but because of this pain i am unable to do any yoga which is related to bending of legs and others(ie cross legged).

Hope these answers gets more clear idea about my pain.