Hip Replacement


I chose hip replacement for my specialty paper. The woman I am working with has had 2 hip replacements on the same side because the doctor at first fit her with a joint that became displaced 13 times in the first year. The doctor said that during the first surgery, her joint disintegrated, causing him to put an extra long shaft down into the femur.Therefore on the side with the hip replacement, her leg is at least a quarter of an inch longer (this is her measurement; I say it’s more because she walks on her toes on the other side). There are more problems–such as arthritis in the other hip (I couldn’t even do the MT on her because of pain). So the work with her will really be about all the associated problems, such as balance, the other hip, and some muscle strengthening. Is this a viable topic—she seems to have so many problems, but they are not directly about the hip replacement itself, but are caused by it. If I could help her with the other hip, too, that would be good, I guess.

Thanks for any help you can give me with this.

Sounds like an excellent subject for study. Ideal to at least assess one or two more even if you cannot work with them ongoing. I would recommend doing assessment while she is seated in chair or even standing if that is more stable for her. Modify the tests so you can get a reading. An assessment is necessary if you need I can show you how to modify. namaste