Hello everyone. This is my first post on the forum. I am 29 years old, male and live in New Delhi, India. I have been practising Yoga irregularly for a decade now.
I have a question. How do you know how long you should hold a particular pose? I have tried to answer this question in a few ways but have not really found a satisfactory answer.
My meditation teachers said that about 30 seconds is a good duration to hold a pose. My problem with this is that if I watch the clock, then, obviously my awareness of breath and body suffers. If I let my mind guess, in an approximate manner, that it is 30 seconds now - I do not find that very reliable, especially in the more challenging poses. Also, sometimes I find that, intuitively speaking, 30 seconds is not enough for certain poses.
I have tried counting up to a certain number, say 50, or counting my breaths, but again, doing this makes my awareness of my body and breath diminish.
What I usually do is to be aware of the stretch in my muscles, and my breathing, and wait till the moment when I feel I have held the pose for long enough. This often, though not with every pose, means that the muscles have been stretched beyond their usual state considerably and there has been a bit of a ‘struggle’ (although that word makes it sound more agitated than it is) between my stretching the muscles and the body wanting the muscles to remain as they are. Also, it means that I have continued for long enough to breath deeply despite the body’s tendency to breath shallow or even stop breathing when the pose is challenging.
This is what seems to work for me, but I am not quite satisfied. One, I realise that whenever I do yoga in a group, I hold the pose for longer than I do when I am alone, and that makes me much more centred and aware at the end of the session. Also, it still feels that the wish to come to that moment when I feel I have stretched the body and worked with the breath enough involves the mind too much, taking attention away from the actual here-and-now sensations in the body.
How do you know when you can release the pose?