How to be a karmayogi?

I want to be a die hard karmayogi SERIOUSLY. I dont believe in god. I am spiritual but not religious. I dont mix with people because i believe that in this kaliyug, you wont get good people but there are maximum evil people who can make you harm rather than good. So, i want to remain NEUTRAL i.e, no enemies or friends. I want to make my mind thoughtless all the day and work hard to perfection. This is my situation. So, please let me know how to be a mahayogi and a maha karmayogi.

I work in IT sector and want to prepare for different competitive exams. So, i want to be karmayogi to study hard different programming languages and different subjects for the exams. Because i believe that if i be a karmayogi and prepare for exams then i can surely shine.

You appear to have a huge conflict. On the one hand you want to make your mind thoughtless all day long, but on the other hand you want to study programming languages and other different subjects to prepare for competitive exams. The two are diametrically opposed, so it looks like that’s the first thing you need to figure out. If you want to learn about karma yoga, you should read the Bhagavad Gita.

Why it cant be possible? I know that a thoughtless mind is more powerful. It wont get tired & grasp more studies than an ordinary man. As an example, a brahmin student reading scriptures is also a karmayogi.

Hello rajat13,

I’m analyst programmer, yoga student and do karma yoga at the spanish red cross.

All that makes my source code “shine” like you say… :wink:

So you could contact any NGO and work with them.

Good luck!

Hello this is what you say:So, i want to be karmayogi to study hard different programming languages and different subjects for the exams. Because i believe that if i be a karmayogi and prepare for exams then i can surely shine.

This is your ego speaking because your ego wants to shine to be superior and recognized. This is nothing wrong most of us function this way but if we get awareness of this we can break this pattern.

I understand you are not religious this is not a must to become a yogi. But a yogi believes in god.

yogis believe god is energy. everything is made of atoms a stone and even you
is same and this is energy. So when we read all is god and god is 1 it means all is made of same energy. even scientist agrees with this that all is energy. Einstein said it too.

You dont need to change your work to become a karmayogi. Karma yoga is when you do something without caring for the fruits of that labor, helping the ones in need. Neither should you talk to others what you have done sometimes however there are occasions if someone says i heard you helped those kids you should not lie and say no i didnt. IF we do something and talk to others how good we are we will not have any benefit of that karmayoga and the karmayoga was never karmayoga then.

So if you think you will get higher benefits by doing karmayoga then it is never karmayoga as karmayoga means give unconditional. But nevertheless. If you do something good you get fruits of that. But lets say you do something good now it can take years for it to bear fruit.

So if you do good deeds to shine it was never karmayoga to begin with. Because you enjoy the fruits of your labour a karmayogi does not do that, fruit will come but they give it to the one that needs it and dont take it for them selves. And if you dont get the fruits quickly you might think that this karmastuff dont work and youll become even more sceptic.

And reflect over your situation: why do you want to be recognized? IF you do help the poor and give them stuffs like blankets in the winter or something you can however weaken your ego and you will actually for the first time feel joy. When we think of our selves there is always an emptiness we feel we need something but we dont know what so we chase it by getting stuff or getting attention whatever it might be. But when we start to help others the missing hole will be less and less and we might even feel connected in a way we didnt feel before.

Rajat, the reason you have got the responses like you have, is because Karma Yoga is generally considered to be Seva, service unto others such as doing charity work, helping NGO’s etc without wanting anything in return. However, karma yoga can be applied to any kind of work, including computer programming. You do this by treating your work like a meditation, to be completely immersed in it, forgetting about the rest of the world and forgetting about the results of success or failure. This can be difficult to do of course if your ego is involved in your work and you are doing it for self-benefit(like a wage) and have to meet deadlines etc. This is why the best kind of karma Yoga is to work in an NGO or do social service. There is much less of your ego involved here and very little to gain for yourself other than the feeling that you are doing good for others.

Hi, I started to be more interested about yoga it self, in “phonological” matter, the way of life and I do not understand the path of Sakama Karma - are expectations of our actions of reviving result. But is not like we supposed to do not expect a result and just focus on the process ?
So is like a Karma that we do not suppose to have or ? I’m lost

Being a Karmayogi involves practicing selfless action and dedicating your actions to a higher purpose while maintaining a state of equanimity and detachment from the results.

It's about performing your duties and responsibilities with a sense of duty, mindfulness, and service without being attached to personal gains or outcomes.

Here are steps to help you embody the principles of Karmayoga:

  1. Self-Awareness and Intention:

    • Reflect on your motivations and intentions behind your actions.
    • Cultivate a clear understanding of your duties and responsibilities in various aspects of your life.
  2. Perform Actions Selflessly:

    • Focus on performing your tasks to the best of your ability without being attached to personal rewards or recognition.
    • Offer your actions to a higher purpose, whether it's serving others, contributing to the greater good, or honoring a spiritual belief.
  3. Mindful Presence:

    • Practice mindfulness in your actions. Stay fully present in the task at hand, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
    • Approach each action with a sense of reverence and attention.
  4. Detachment from Results:

    • Recognize that outcomes are often beyond your control. Detach yourself from the desire for specific results.
    • Shift your focus from the result to the process of performing your duties.
  5. Equanimity:

    • Develop emotional balance and equanimity in the face of success and failure.
    • Remain calm and composed, regardless of whether the outcome matches your expectations.
  6. Service and Compassion:

    • Approach your actions as acts of service to others and the world at large.
    • Cultivate compassion and empathy, considering the well-being and needs of others.
  7. Efficiency and Excellence:

    • Strive for excellence in whatever you do. Dedicate your efforts to achieving the highest possible quality.
    • Perform your tasks with integrity and sincerity.
  8. Non-Attachment to Ego:

    • Let go of attachment to personal identity and ego-related desires.
    • Understand that your actions are a part of a larger tapestry, and no one action defines your worth.
  9. Balance and Harmony:

    • Seek balance in all areas of your life, including work, relationships, and personal well-being.
    • Maintain harmony between your external actions and your internal state of being.
  10. Continual Self-Reflection:

    • Regularly reflect on your actions and intentions. Assess whether they align with the principles of Karmayoga.
    • Adjust your approach as needed to stay aligned with the path of selfless action.
  11. Spiritual Practice:

    • Incorporate spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, or contemplation to deepen your connection to the higher purpose behind your actions.

Remember that becoming a Karmayogi is a gradual process that involves consistent effort, self-awareness, and personal growth. It's not about renouncing your responsibilities but rather embracing them with a higher level of consciousness and a commitment to selfless service.

Seek guidance from spiritual teachers or philosophical texts that delve into the principles of Karmayoga to further your understanding and practice.