How to cut down masturbation? serious

I’m a bodybuilder and working on gaining lean mass

But I’m 23 and get wayyy too horny

Like ill go a day or two without doing it

Then a day where I do it like 6 times

Any tips? I hear yogis say masturbation is bad because it weakens the mind, deteriates muscle and weakens the body

Another thread :wink:

Here’s a few ways you can cut down masturbation:

  1. Will power: Just stop doing it if you know it’s not good for you.
  2. Gradually reduce it:

Here is one way of doing it:

Week 1: Masturbate on Mon 6 times; Tues 5 times; Wed 4 times; Thur 3 times; on Friday 2 times; on Sat 1 times on Sun 0 times.
Week 2: Mon: 5 times; Tues 4 times; Wed 3 times, Thur 2 times, Fri 1 times, Sat 0 times, Sun 0 times;
Week 3: Mon 4 times; Tues 3 times; Wed 2 times; Thur 1 time, Fri; 0 times; Sat 0 times; Sun 0 times
Week 4: Mon 3 times; Tues 2 times; Wed 1 times; Thur 0 times, Fri 0 times, Sat 0 times; Sun times

In this way reducing the number of times you masturbate by 1 every week until it is 0 times.

  1. You have too much idle time, spend more time outdoors pursuing a hobby or working/volunteering and you will get much less time to masturbate

You could also masturbate without ejaculating.
You could ejaculate occasionally.

I tried that in the past, but I realized that even when one is doing that, they are still wasting a lot of their energy. As a lot of nervous energy will be used even in the act of masturbation even without ejaculation. In fact maybe even more because you can masturbate even longer and for many more sessions. This is why many of the spiritual traditions even advice against having lustful thoughts, because lustful thoughts will activate the sexual centers of the body and energy will be still spent.

practice vajroli mudra, ashwini mudra and mula bandha… don’t use your hands to masturbate… keep your fingers in Kamajayi mudra. Feel the ojas rise through your sashumna nadi…

Kamajayi mudra