Hyperactive thyroid

Hi Mukunda, recently I read an article citing several poses that were good for banishing fatigue but not if a person has a hyperactive thyroid condition. The person I am seeking help for is a mid-40’s menopausal woman, 2+ years of regular yoga practice, seemingly overall healthy habits, ‘active’ thyroid nodule diagnosed from iodine uptake study. The poses included warrior 1 and camel. What are your cautions for people with this condition? Thanks, mak

Precautions would be not to encourage the woman to do what her intuition tells her not to do. Intuition is needed to be strengthened and fast paced practice or heating poses (holding backbends over 4 breaths, Bikram, Hot or Ashtanga Yoga) would be ill advised. The poses mentioned should be fine done briefly. In this condition it is recommended that the woman practice Jalandhara bandha (neck lock) during forward bending postures such as Janu Sirsasana (head to knee), Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend), Uttanasana (standing forward bend) but not in inverted poses as Setubandhasana (bridge) and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand). However, Jalandhara and other bandhas can only be taught by someone who does them regularly in their own practice. One needs to know from personal experience how the bandhas affect heart rate and change circulatory flow to the endocrine glands.