
I seem to be getting a load of challenges right now that are keeping me on my toes. I have a massage client who is quite ill, but open to any suggestions I have. Here is the problem: ypertrophicardiomyopathy – thickening of the walls of the heart. This has caused him to be off work…now he works, but has to do a job where he just walks. but now he is so weak he wants just a desk job. He has a wife and daughter to support. His symptoms are bloating (stomach/ankles), not sleeping (2 hours per night), food not digesting well (due to bloating), oxygen deficit (hard time breathing), lower costal area sore.

I gave him intercostal breathing…he finds it hard. I just taught him today the high blood pressure – agni sar dhouti…his face lit up immediately (even though he found the timing hard - originally did it opposite), and he said he felt way better (and he really looked it) - I told him to do it at least once per day…he asked if he good do it 2 times, one home one back on bus, I said it should be okay - but to make sure no pain or discomfort anywhere anytime. He asked if he could do 3 times, I said that would be Max…and not to overdue. I told him I would verify everything with you.

Your suggestions are good. Ayurvedically, this is a vata imbalance on top of kapha increase. Translation - needs to relax and then purify and then strengthen. I would have him build up his stamina with agnisar dhouti (purifying the fire chakra) gradually increase the number of abdominal pumps he does with each breath holding period. Add visualization of heat there as in fireplace. The bath is fine but first he needs to do an intestinal cleanse and improve his diet. I would suggest he do bentonite clay from Sonne’s #7 and follow suggestions and/or take turkey rhubarb herb can order it at 800-780-6934 or I can send from here, cost is $20 US with postage. Optimal diet plan is to follow the Three Season Diet by John Douillard.