I am God

Even if someone achieved the state of a Deva. It would still be Maya.

In truth the self is untouched by sin. I guess you could say it’s perfect.

What exactly is the self? I guess you could say its pure consciousness.

Where does the self reside? It resides in the subtle heart.

This self is of the same taste. Meaning the self is the same in all. All sentient beings. Whether thats a Bug, a cat, a dog, a mouse, a DEVA, a buddha, a horse, a boar, a human being and so on all same. The essential nature of all sentient beings is pure conscsiousness.
Beyond any real labeling or qualities.

Meaning in essence we are all the same.

The apparent differences are only Karma and nothing else. LOL.

Through Indiscrimination this self Identifies with ego, thought, volition, senses, and thus acrues karma either good or bad.

How simple is that?

Even if someone achieved the state of a Deva. It would still be Maya.

I never said that we should become devas(angels) I said god, as in become Brahman. In order to that we must realise our identity with Brahman.

When I say Devas I don’t mean angels. I mean demi gods. Functionaries.

I guess you could say identity with Brahman. But I think perhaps this is where the confusion lies. Identity…

Identity for me conjurs up the notion of ahamkara/ego.

I think the more appropriate notion would be “realization of essential unity” with THAT.

You are not the totality. Your self. You are not the totality.

But on the other hand you could say I am the totality because of your essential union with the totality.

[QUOTE=The Scales;33026]In truth the self is untouched by sin. I guess you could say it’s perfect. What exactly is the self? I guess you could say its pure consciousness. Where does the self reside? It resides in the subtle heart.This self is of the same taste. Meaning the self is the same in all. All sentient beings.[/QUOTE]

I like this, its very wholesome…

I think the more appropriate notion would be “realization of essential unity” with THAT.

Once again we are talking about the same thing. Just different expressions :wink:

To realise ones essential unity with that is the same as realising ones identity with that. I will never lose my sense of self, rather my sense of self will expand to include everything else. So I will become the infinite self.

Ahamakra(i-maker) is different it is the false self which identifiies with limitation. The Atman is the true self which has no limitation.

Yes but you mentioned how there was some conflict within you when you say to your self “I am God.”

I was just trying to help you resolve this conflict.

Yeah, but you got to admit declaring to yourself, “I am god” can sound a bit ridiculous. The ego balks when I say his statement. Plus it kills all humility. I mean you are god, you are almighty, you have no reason to be humble. Now how do you life out the “I am god” philosophy in the real world? :smiley:

Please read this entire thread through again.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;33044]Yeah, but you got to admit declaring to yourself, “I am god” can sound a bit ridiculous.

[B]Yes of course. Because it is. Depending on your level of realization. [/B]

The ego balks when I say his statement. [B]Sure. Thats what it does.[/B]

Plus it kills all humility. [B]Not if you understand the meaning of essential unity, which means you have first realized your self - which is done through the yoga. [/B]

I mean you are god, you are almighty, you have no reason to be humble.

[B]When you think this way this is ego talking. Which is maya. [/B]

Now how do you life out the “I am god” philosophy in the real world?

[B]you understand the meaning. Essential unity. You as the self, even thought essential unity exists do not manifest the universe. It is not your maya. It is Gods Maya. You do not - at this juncture create sparks,selves, new pure consciousnesses. To go through the known universe. [/B]


[QUOTE=Surya Deva;32915]

… we are the infinite, absolute and whole.


Everything is infinite… absolute… and whole. Everything is a manifestation of God and everything is God… you are as well… justs the play of the words.

Remind me the pagans. they believe that everything is god. I think we fall in to this “everything” category too.

Surya Deva.

You need to throttle back on this intellectual learning. Put the books down for a bit and get out of the library.

What would be best for you right now is any practice that will clear the heart.

Plus, which you will like, by practicing in this way you will increase your spiritual understanding!

Giving, Charity, Selfless service. Righteous Activity. Kindness!!! I’m sure your crafty enough to look up what Karma Yoga means, if you don’t already know… Put it into action.

Study if you must. But make clearing the heart your centerpiece.

If karma yoga just isn’t your thing . . . (which is ridiculous) do some private Bhakti.

By opening your heart your studies will bear more fruit.

How nice.

I’m very fond of Leo Tolstoy. He wrote a wonderful short story that I feel is appropriate here.

[B][I]Father Sergius.[/I][/B]

It would be a good read for you.

DON’T Read a Synopsis. DON"T get the cliff notes version.

Read the whole story… It’s not long. You could easily finish it in a couple of hours.

Karma and Bhakti yoga is not my thing. I feel no inclination to do that. I have been practicing jnana yoga mostly and I’m in the process of moving into hatha and raja yoga.

I don’t agree with you that you would be humble if you realised you were Brahman. On the contrary you would feel omnipotent and omniscient and everybody before you would seem like children. Look at how Krishna behaved, he was far from humble, he behaved like he owned the universe. He even had the audacity to say “worship me” I honestly doubt god like beings would go out of their way to be humble to us. Everything they would say would be invested with power. We would fear such beings.

What ever you could do to open your heart is best. Those are only two methods. There are other ways to do so. But they are good friends to support overall practice.

Vedanta and the gita will tell you, I’m sure you know . . . that Karma leads to Bhakti.

Bhakti + Jnana Leads to God quite easily…

Bhakti is easiest.

But I guess you want good tough challenge.

I will say this. It will be tough for progress with heart blocked and lots of garbage in Manipuraka.

Hatha and Raja can overcome them of course…

Raja is a tough road for many.

Karma + Bhakti +jnana is easy.

Come back and tell us what you find.

Jnana is not easy at all. It is the hardest of the yoga paths and it is only for the intellectuals.

I do not believe in giving to charity if I don’t feel I want to do it. It has to be natural and sincere and it is not simply not there at the moment.

I don’t think you can diagonse which of my chakras are blocked online sorry.

The relevance of I am God, said with words is similar to that of I am carbon. Allright, what’s the big deal ?
Surya Deva, you rightly asess the triviality of such thoughts, when used in mundane conversations.

It’s been probably said, it does not matter if true or not, if we can’t relate to it.

So let’s try to mine some useful thoughts out of it.

Ok, I am God. So, I heard that God is allmighty. All knowing. Am I such a being ? With all honesty, I’d dare not to say such a thing. I sweat, I stink, I hunger and thirst. My body aches, and it is fragile. I am easily put off balance and annoyed by others. I spend a third of my life unconsciously, and when I am conscious I can’t seem to figure out what’s this life is about. These are facts. Any human being who dares to question him- or herself, will arrive to the same conclusions.
But there is an interesting fact. We are quite unhappy with this situation. As if … we’d deserve more. As if … we’d have the right to become … sleepless. In fact we feel somewhere deep down that even immortality should not be out of our reach.

Are not the four noble truths of Buddha, the human condition itself the foundation of the buddhist spiritual way ?

Instead of just presenting the reassurement that we are God(s), not missing from the New Covenant either, we should try to thread a path of our own towards it. That glorious mountain peak is as small as the eye of the needle from this perspective of mine, while the things close to me are big, touchable, workable, and they even need to be taken care of.

What do we associate with God ? Our highest hopes for comfort and happiness ? Let them come from our fellow men and women. They are God(s) too.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;33083]Jnana is not easy at all. It is the hardest of the yoga paths and it is only for the intellectuals.

I do not believe in giving to charity if I don’t feel I want to do it. It has to be natural and sincere and it is not simply not there at the moment.

I don’t think you can diagonse which of my chakras are blocked online sorry.[/QUOTE]

Its how you represent yourself from which I base my suggestion. The things you type. The views you hold. Your attitudes…

Your handle is Surya Deva. The Sun God. You speak often of becomming a god. Having superpowers. You seem Selfish. Selfcentered in how you speak about things. You speak of how Jnana Yoga is only for Intellectuals. It’s the toughest. You show your vanity and pride of learning by typing such things.

This indicates to me samskaras with Manipura.

You cling to your views about Hindusim very very tightly. You seem selfish and self centered in how you speak of things. No one can try to be helpful without a rigid retort. Your secretarian. You have no universality.

This indicates to me troubles with Anahata.

Don’t do charity then.

Do you work? Perform actions? Cook dinner? Take a bath? Interact with others? Karma yoga is about the interior state. Do you give your time to others? Do you give your energy to others?

Scales you will not be able to find out about me from the limited information you glean from my posts. You would to spend time with me to to know what I am like in person.

I do put myself ahead of others. I am obviously the most important person in my life. I believe in actualising my highest potentials. At the same time I believe in living dharmically and not compromising another person freedom. I have a live and let live philosophy. I am am very assertive and will tell you when you are wrong. I never refuse an argument and will always take an argument to the very end. I never let go. If I am convinced about something I will take it to the very end. That said I am open to new information and I listen very attentively to others points, and respond to everyone of them. I am very bold and courageous and am never afraid of going against the grain. I do whatever I want. I am really adored by my friends because I look after them, spend money on them, do not judge them and give them all the freedom they want. I am a very giving person when I want to give. I am also very honest and loyal.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;33098]
I do put myself ahead of others. I am obviously the most important person in my life. I believe in actualising my highest potentials. At the same time I believe in living dharmically and not compromising another person freedom. I have a live and let live philosophy. I am am very assertive and will tell you when you are wrong. .[/QUOTE] kind of seems like contradictions, live and let live, yet still argue and tell others when they are wrong, However some can pull it off.

Ok, I am God. So, I heard that God is allmighty. All knowing. Am I such a being ? With all honesty, I’d dare not to say such a thing. I sweat, I stink, I hunger and thirst. My body aches, and it is fragile. I am easily put off balance and annoyed by others. I spend a third of my life unconsciously, and when I am conscious I can’t seem to figure out what’s this life is about. These are facts. Any human being who dares to question him- or herself, will arrive to the same conclusions.
But there is an interesting fact. We are quite unhappy with this situation. As if … we’d deserve more. As if … we’d have the right to become … sleepless. In fact we feel somewhere deep down that even immortality should not be out of our reach.

Yeah, but this is only your current condition and this condition can change. How do you change it? By creating new habits. If you do not have a single trait of a pop star how do you become a pop star? Simple, you develop those traits. It’s also sometimes called “faking it till you make it” and in Yoga it is known as “As you think so you become” Yeah if you are not a pop star, pretending you are a pop star is going to seem like pretending, maybe even a wee bit pathetic(wannabe!) but after a while if you maintain your efforts you will begin to think, talk and walk like a pop star.

So why should it be any different with declaring “I am god” and behaving like a god. If you keep doing it you will eventually become it. I think this might be the greatest secret that humanity has not yet discovered. Being a god maybe as simple as declaring it.

I remember a very spiritual man once giving me advice on the street who just seemed to enter my life at that moment to tell me something I needed to know. He said to me, “You are a king amongst men, do not think of yourself as any less” The same message repeats in all of the wisdom traditions. The Vedas say, “You are truly great” The bible says, “Ye are gods” And all great mystics have said “I am god” or “I am one with god”

Maybe the message of the masters is as simple as believing we are gods and behaving like gods. Like I said I feel so energized and powerful when I say “I am god” and it does kill all humility in me.

Do we want to be servants, workers or children of god or do we want to be equals of god and co-creators? Why do we limit ourselves.

Your words do humble me. Indeed, I should try to behave more worthy to my real Self. (which, by other words I do call my Lord, the Christ - this cuts out this impostor smaller monkey self short)

PS. I have no issues with humility. Humility is indeed appropriate where respect is needed to be shown, and respect is needed to be shown wherever higher powers than us are present. I presume you do not rule out their existence.

Yes, I of course do not rule out higher powers, there is a massive spiritual hierarchy out there after us humans and we are so low down on the scale we are like insects to the highest gods. Yes, you have made me understand humility. Humility is about respecting those higher than you and learning from them, whilst at the same time believing in your own potential for greatness.

A very beautiful member has sent me this:

John 14: 4-14

4 And you know the way to where I am going.”5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also.From now on you do know him and have seen him.”
8 Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.
12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. 13 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask meanything in my name, I will do it.

These are the words of a god recognising his own greatness and telling others that they too can realise the same greatness and do the same works or more. Similar words are spoken by Krishna(Christna) in the Gita. It seems all the masters are saying one thing and one thing only: we are gods. There is this great being within us which has been covered by upteem layers of maya and it is our spiritual mission to break through those layers and come back to our divine, godly and pristine self.

We can do this either through:

Yoga by evolving into our full potential(Evolutionary path)
or through Buddhism by negating everything and revealing the self(nihilistic/negation path)
Or through Advaita and Zen by realising that we are already the absolute.(Affirmation path)