Hello dear members,
I am very glad that I discovered this forum and hope it will be certainly useful some way down the journey. Now, I would like to introduce myself! I have been to few Yoga beginner classes, intros and casual yoga couple of times but never took it too serious for it to be part of my day to day life.
The main aim I would like to achieve from practicing and adopting yoga into my daily lifestyle is to have better control over my mind (which controls me now). I have lot of situations of anxiousness, always worried, not focussed, take a beating heart before it is really needed and worry for everything and anything.
Basically, I am a very ambitions person and doing well in life, however, these problems within me is not helping me do anything to my potential or remain calm. I would be really grateful if someone in this forum guide me where to start from? I would like to start from the basics and also be consistently do yoga for ever if that will help me achieve a state of peace (which I don’t at all have at this point, mind is always worrying or wandering).
Looking forward to a helping hand of advice!
Thanks and Cheers.