I am

“i do not laugh because I am happy, I am happy because I laugh”:wink:
ha ha ha ha ha ahahhahahhahhahhahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha
brother Neil

But then why [I]do[/I] you laugh? :slight_smile: Tell us your secret!

[QUOTE=justwannabe;24552]“i do not laugh because I am happy, I am happy because I laugh”:wink:
ha ha ha ha ha ahahhahahhahhahhahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha
brother Neil[/QUOTE]

is that why laughing yoga was created?

[QUOTE=Bentinho Massaro;24567]Haha.
But then why [I]do[/I] you laugh? :slight_smile: Tell us your secret![/QUOTE]
why, at the very least it is a good pranayama

heeeeehehhehehhe haahhhaaaha snort ahahahahahahaha

wow. that really is fun. :smiley:

[I]“What is most important? What is the purpose of your life? Is living in the world and teaching about the Dharma the same or different? [/I]
[I]What is a perfect clown? A low class clown can only make people who are already happy laugh. A middle class clown can make people who are sad laugh. A high class clown can teach all people how to make each other laugh. [/I][I]A high class Dharma Teacher can be a high class clown. A high class clown is already a high class Dharma Teacher.”[/I]

Quoting from This.

And watch this, to have the right picture in mind.

A fun quote indeed!

I yam what I yam- Popeye The Sailor

I once worked in a vegetarian restaurant and invented a soup call “I yam what I yam soup”.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I bet it was made with yams?

Oh a mystic huh? Can you tell me what else was in it??? I want to know the extent of your powers.

Sad to find out these posts in a thread with such a good title “I am”. I expected something more like “Ayam Atma Brahma”. The real meaning of “I am”.

Tat twam asi

[QUOTE=Tangle;67075]Tat twam asi[/QUOTE]

:slight_smile: There you are.

Let me introduce myself.
I’m a psychopathic pedophile,
You looked,
Now you are too.
I’m a saint and savior,
You see,
So you are too.
I’m Hitler and Stalin,
Martin Luther King,
I’m Gandhi and The Pope,
I’m a beggar and a queen.
I’m everyone who tortured me,
And everyone who nurtured me.
They’re in my head,
They’re who I am,
I’m you,
But who are you?

i & i

“I am lost, so I am going to look for myself. If I get back before I do, please ask me to wait for myself”.

[QUOTE=kltf9qdab;70749]Bachmann also slammed the Greek prime minister’s short-lived plan to hold a referendum on whether to accept Europe’s rescue package, which would require it to enact harsh austerity measures. “Now Greece is such a tantrum-throwing nation that they’re going back to their own people with a vote so that the people can choose whether or not they want to have even an tiny level of austerity,” she said. “Well, of course they don’t. They want to keep spending money.”[/QUOTE]

Ok I’m not sure I understand the significance of this latest post on this thread but it brought my attention to the diddy RUTH posted many moons ago, I like:

Let me introduce myself.
I’m a psychopathic pedophile,
You looked,
Now you are too.
I’m a saint and savior,
You see,
So you are too.
I’m Hitler and Stalin,
Martin Luther King,
I’m Gandhi and The Pope,
I’m a beggar and a queen.
I’m everyone who tortured me,
And everyone who nurtured me.
They’re in my head,
They’re who I am,
I’m you,
But who are you?

I forgot all about that, it almost is like I am reading someone elses diddy!