I Can't Do It!

:frowning: I’m not good at yoga. I’ve tried and I can’t do it. I think it’s because my legs are huge and stiff. How can I become great at yoga?

Just the fact that you wrote this shows your willingness to persevere. That is half the secret of success in yoga. Just hold onto that willingness to persist and you have half the battle won. You can do it.
The other half is called detachment from the results of your persistence. Your body may not change in one week but if you rely on first secret then you will continue to continue. Your body will definitely change with a comittment to persist. Once your body changes you will see that something more remarkable has also occured. Your mind has changed. That is where the real yoga success is showing itself to you. so i am proud of you for writing this and just keep coming back to yoga. blessings. mukunda

I give up things after 2 weeks if I haven’t seen results. Will there be any results at all if I to yoga for 2 weeks?