Hello yoga forum, Im new to this yoga world and I have some question for experts like you guys. Im a male 18 years old, who loves sports and to be active. Since I was a child Ive always been playing soccer and thats what I love the most. But unfortunetely, in the last years many issues have been occuring and my body seems to be in constant pain. Ive neven been a flexible person, but lately it seems this has been playing some bad tricks on me. About 2 years ago i began to practice track and field, and since that time my muscles are in constant pain, specially with sciatica and groin pains. As I noticed all that I decided to stop practicing that sport and try to became the person I was before. But that didnt occured. In the last months, pain in my lower back, groins and sometimes in the butt are always present. Lower back and butt pain is mostly when Im sitting, while groin pain is always present after soccer games. Other importatn thing is that with school and other stuff I spend many time sitting in the computer, and Im a person that stresses a lot. Can yoga help me? Im planning to enter a yoga class near my home, but before that I wanna know if yoga can really help me to be more flexible, and in consequence to end with the pain in my groins, if it can also help with the back pain, and in how much time can I start to see and feel the results. How many classes a week would you recommend me? Thanks guys for reading this long post, and Ill really appreciate your help, Im desperate
Thanks a lot!!!
Have you been to a doctor or a sports injury/therapist?
If the pains are very bad you should consider consulting an expert.
Yes yoga can help, if taught/done correctly yoga will absolutely improve your flexibility, strength, balance,posture, coordination, concentration and stress levels.
It is important that you speak with the teacher about your issues and check that he/she is qualified to help you.
A bad teacher could do more harm than good.
Good luck.
I will echo yogacambodia’s post. Seeking a clear diagnosis will layout the blueprint of your yoga practice. You mentioned back issues along with sciatica. Sciatica is a symptom of something else going on within your body. You also mentioned overall constant pain. All these need to be addressed first before entering a yoga class. Without doing so you risk further injury. Once you have a clearer picture, seek out a good qualified teacher that will work with you.
Yes, yoga can help in many ways. It can help you with the stress you mentioned and to increase flexibility. But there are never any guarantees. There has to be a firm commitment from your end. Doing “asana” or meditating once a week will be of little help. To fully benefit from yoga you will need to practice daily. Going to a studio for class 7 days a week, for most is not practical. Going several times a week and then working with your teacher to develop a home practice will serve you well. How well it serves you is again, dependent on your diagnosis, commitment and the teacher you choose. Yoga as asana is only a small part of a much deeper meaning. The western concept of yoga for many is purely an exercise. And if that is all you want, it is yours for the taking. It can, if you allow it, lead you on a remarkable journey. It did for me.
Good luck and keep us updated!
I will echo what everyone else has said. Sciatica is something that you need to take very seriously. Doing the wrong things can land you flat on your back in excruciating pain for long time. You don’t want that. If you know that you have sciatica I’m surprised that you haven’t received this kind of professional advice already.
You really need to be under the care of someone who knows your condition and is trained in treating it. The pain in your groin could actually be caused by the same thing that’s causing the sciatica. It’s nothing to trifle with. Talk to a doctor.
My initial reaction to your story was one of alarm, and I do think that you and the people who work with you need to fully understand the extent of your condition. You cannot trust that just any yoga teacher will be qualified to help you. But that being said, there is a lot that you can do on your own that may actually be preferable to expensive medical treatment. Since you are young and athletic, you may be able to profit from a book called ‘Treat Your Own Back’, from the McKenzie Institute. This book will give you a lot of information that your doctors may not give you. It will explain the nature of your condition, and will explain exactly what you should and should not do in order to help your body to heal and to avoid further injury. It’s short and easy to read. I consider it the single most valuable resource that was available to me when I was dealing with a severe back injury.
Good luck to you. http://www.amazon.com/dp/0958269238/?tag=googhydr-20&hvadid=2261492861&ref=pd_sl_3z3tg3xpoj_b