Ileocecal valve question

Q - .I have a question for you. I searched in the Yoga Forums and can’t seem to find an answer to my question. I’m having some problems with my ileocecal valve…surprise surprise .It’s spasming and I’m trying to figure out how to get it to relax! I’ve been practicing the yoni Mudra/pranayama and that helps a tiny bit, but not much. I was practicing tantrik lesson three and was pressing around on my belly. It hit it and started weeping immediately. Now I’m left with a pain and lots of doctor bills…they thought I was having Appendicitis. After lots of fun tests they determined it wasn’t…any thoughts? Should I maybe come in and see you for some energy work?

A - Sounds like a need for emotional energy bodywork. The ileocecal valve or sphincter is located at the junction of the ilium (end of the small
intestine) and the cecum (the initial portion of the ascending colon/large
intestine) in the lower right abdominal quadrant. Its location is just a half inch from the appendix, located below it. So pain there is easily mistaken for an attack of appendicitis. It blocks partially digested food from moving backward when peristalsis is slow or sluggish. It is often blocked due to muscular compression, emotional upsets, and poor eating habits. So there are many factors here. It can be manually manipulated so that it opens freely upon the presence of food seeking to move through.