Impact of Children's Consciousness vs. an adult

I was inspired by doing Yoga Nidra and the work of the Global Consciousness Project to write my first children’s book. Actually, I had a dream about it…woke up, wrote it down…and to draw it took a LOT longer…3 months!

I wanted to create a book that utilizes the work of yoga nidra (peace within) and also guides a child to a globally conscious prayer/wish for the world. Which I believe both go hand in hand…

My big question! Does anyone know of any research that indicates that children have a stronger impact consciously when they have focused intention? I know that from looking into The Global Consciousness Project that two people that are like minded have a stronger impact when concentrating together…and people engaging in prayer…what about a child? I know that when I was a child, my prayers were so pure and intense. As an adult…bills, relationships…what I’m going to make for dinner…these things pop up and can really break up my intention.

My goal is to get these books into little hands everywhere. I’m offering it discounted for donations to homeless shelters, children’s hospitals, etc. And a portion of donation sales will go to IRI in their tremendous work with children and the homeless! I love the idea of a child channeling their inner peace and also sending their love out to the world.

Any ideas, questions, advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

I actually know of a project in Denmark in the 1990s that was researching this very thing.

The children (equal number of males and females) were asked to focus their attention on all kinds of various tasks (remote viewing, moving a plant leaf, etc.) and the adults (equal number of males and females) were asked to perform the same task.

The research results were astounding. The children had more than twice (sometimes many more than twice) the success rates of accomplishment as the adults.

The reason that was given was that children have a much clearer freer-flowing access to their “soul power” (that’s what the research project called it).

I’m not sure about the details but I know research has been done in this area.

I apologise for not being of more assistance. I trust this helps a bit …

Thank you so much! I’ll do a little research myself and see what I can find!

It just makes sense to me…I completely agree with your reasoning…