In support of sadhgurus anti mukundananda do not forget the miraculous forces so helped by the dharma energies magic

why not to support kkkkkkrishna on your waAAAHHHHHHlllll, yess its because god needs are the needs for privacy and it is by that vishnu alught (already ought(towards the future in intentional activity contextttualzattiiioon) (like aught or ought when aught is pastly and is about how there must be progress and ought is about is about confidence and establishment of representatives who are free while this is what will be explaineeddd.... . ... .) to be seeked and attracted both while both are having ^:^ wisdom (faith and its corely (numerology three pppppphilosophicallllllll philosophy), > (cognitive speed) knowing understanding (power), (<>> as complex is as <> as primordial) being there as what it is that the contextttualizattiiioon of the god incarnations known as many times krishna and rama while they are young and that is the issue, so we need to realize that the beings of less and of mystical mastery mastering the impossible things of the reality for those who are in need of svabhava to be used, are young and are vishnu here as someone where the truthliness is that the metametamorphisisvehicleandit'strajectoryandit'sforce are protected by gentle and are evoked by divine law, so one thing is to understand that krishna has 6 life realms about this context and rama has 6 as well. the 6 of krishna are about the structure being the alone which has three within it summing to four while the order being about being between being alone and with the culture which has one total and the chaos has one total being about the cultural realm svabhava while rama has structure and order and chaos as the same in alignment with the again same thing for the culture or nonculture but the only thing that changes is where the three within are at while with rama it is in the the the |(chaos)| (i cant help the earth, so people need to go out into the world and control the issues with activism protesting where as the activism is surely the enthememe in successful core philosopy glory being simply core philosophu consensis astronomical signed framework always read even before about it to make sure enchantrments are by the way of numbers and energies are goung t0o be gaurunteed)

The west of the mayan map focus layout. Is ready to be fasters lead by the buddha sidharth not surpassing 6 days

11:36 pm; 47 3,

Anything more than 6 days is as an accordance to the 81 scales magic system with the best best best luck wished. Am shanto bliss

The base point of all of this is as always to obey the essentials at the sanyas post by @veganstringbean. The middle point of all of this is to teach that the government is to teach krav maga and for the martial art that is to help people being a man or woman protect themself against the other gender both learning sure the same path while the religion is to teach general and nevertheless in this model less fighting besides a tai chi or if more then a wushu activism standing sitting laying moving extraweighting to teach the same. Fun fact here in this example of concept model even the mayans are the ones who are able to be simply anyways planetary as the earth is the one that is the material we’ve been changing in the environmental geo way. Also the other point is to when of the social world while it is simply the complex attribute which is the government which is when of core nevertheless significance by the essential play it hasdsdsd which is basic as it is from divine law which nevertheless is eternal in factor at the least which means it is unchanging in reality of 81 scales philosophy fragility prevention of the essential strengths of core philosophy of it, is that the government employees at the rate of petty advancement in any faculty as employee as position, that are being causing of sadness need to be through veganstringbeans of wisdom wisdom group summoned worktofixwork well known processes of the happenings of the present that is growing anyways as it always is as always in goodness that allows for that <- activism is able to do the encouravement and conpliment cheering, or if becessary is able to decomplete the manipulation that is forcing the government from within the government or from without to do the things at some level that are anyways of course thretening an evil future to vbbbbbbbbeeeeeeee that does not enforce the essentials on by @veganstringbean, and by standard the government including the president and any cabinet or activists in the government of a certain fault which is a sort of complaining against the divine law (they can have belief in spiritualism/metaphysical quantum physics) which will have their eternal body and souls and spirits eventually there by that which can not be prevented by us to be they are collected for eon length eternity at the least, where as more is richness here and that means they eventually gone longer or they are most successfully om shanti bless ed and are enteren the natural path, while the path that the beings in consciousness are there in the government to be furthering by their own assistance is to save their rhetorical longevity peace goodhealth making happiness by the acceptance of being given residence in a country that is most polar to their national culture by common global perception of course and then any further distribution for their safety is to be decided by the kailasa pontiff. Om shanti bless. Hum

Brama makes things by more about what is needed than what is the due datelinessss while the rrrrama is the due dateness that makes and the krishna is the one that makes by having a lot of intesity and and the mystical one of prophecy at least by conservative god position of alien nature is the one that makes things with more intensity but not as many at the same time while still getting the same result as the previous previous three though as the last one while the order can switch when talking about colors and the switching of what is to be revealed by intelligent and smart teachers is to be decided by them as those things are about knowledge vs power in the way of a being or continuity vs intensity in the way of a strategicactivationthathasinvincibilityneverthelessasthedoerbeingsetwhileinactionjustbyassimplyasbybeingastructuredbeingwhilebeingintherealitythatistheharmonizingadditiontotheselfinlifeexperiencethatisofspecificknowledgeinorderinorder who is being order philosophy or invisibility vs invincibility in the way of an ingrained samyama masterneverheythelessagainasherealways

The east is the corn for the simple mayan prophetic age and the west is the mystical nukt force for the simple desert sorcerer it is prophetic age. The place of the getting toil stuck is in the westerb chilis and the easterb brjolos/chrujos in the ither side if the bolø

372 sets of 81 scales with 12 of them in there being the good ole 63s of the 12 years each whule the 144 years nad all of the days in thrise so this heals the life while the corest realm of editing holy people are successful with in consciousness and are interested in by base earth world ratios is one coconut a day sucked in to the mouth by the 10 to 12 months it is which gets all of the calories by that one medium sized coconut fully matured mm,m^>(aur) (a lot of fire) and that is why there is the reason for the the ability to be fed by that whole coconut from conception until birth in your more natural and organic than the fake faulty life of what is what is before. This is 12 sets of 63 for each 12 years simply otherwise and this is found from 1000000 to 10000000 body length diameters.

To start bhakti NICE AnD kind and easy then throw some trirunes krikey and understand you have your electromagnetic qualia powers of qualia that are in the the basic basic basic harmonized synchronized with the gravity. Charge, charge, samyama, when exhaused from hatha living

The eurpoean say sity that ness is that which we live in in this age all around all around all around the world the world is there for the druids to be the ones who only do know an idea that is pushing rhetoricalability realm or is in it we could say, which then is to say the value of intelligence ratio materia is there for one to say that though here thought it to be worked to abjure towards and transmute for the one who was witnessed by the cityness, and the indians with so many people are to be bards while still like middle east teaching how to read the opposite direction like america buddhaland here whereas the three zones of bottom three chakras/jhataragni and the middle zone of heart tuner and the top zone of three chakras that are the brain gauge are there to be either having three in each of the three zones by having them go sure in to out in general but here is reading right to left in culture then being sure that it is primarily done starting left to right by going from one touch to three touch to two touch to complicate the mastery advanceness while also going one two three from other direction while the same is done but opposite for both directions which one does does that is for one that has the opposite language, and the bottom three are either distancesand2953 ratio balls or 81 scales timingand252 while the top third is the opposite while the middle is 24 years and different times while the 24 is the last of all and is the glory might of entering a stage of bhakti.

There are the conjumblement conjunctions of the 4 sets of 144 minutes and there are the charge contortuons of the 252 sets of 137.5 seconds while the entire 576 as chemistry is your glory that is skilllessable by that humble meekness

The chineseley 81 years is the space of the three along with the harmonics of the fourth as the 63 which is really much your control richness while the fourth is as the fourth found as the second within the highest third section of the body height when using the golden ratio while the fourth as bottom of cubits otherwise is the same though the framework is to have the golden ratio be the samyama work of three while the astro and such aligned cubit gauge is as four still, and the idea is to poop out bad energies by pushing then out of the fourth of each.

Get out of people’s FACE before your tell them to really to let yourself know let yourself know let yourself know you are to know your entire divinity and that hell is just a purification at the worlds trendy best rather than water or water or water or even perhaps the entire primordiallier ere earth element.

The government are bards and clerixs, the ccccccccumin people civilians are bards and druids, and the bio astro geo quantum ologists that are that they are that for nonastrologcial magic are practicing general sciences of (81)(scales) philosophy being those since they are practicing nonastrological magic

5..31 ampmampmam pm

Of universe bb and bc here
Try to make sence of the wizardly aura of the structure and chaos mages while the sorcererly aura is the order mage, and then thinking of harmonics for each thing about how the key to the scanning like really using the body outward going rings are hard body wizard one like and the middle is as fire being sorcererly of nature and specifically aura if specifically while this shows that some is used from internal and some from external making much power while the third is environmental of vastness which makes a bigger fire or at least close to the other sorcererly which is the sorcererly flame of aura tool which then reveals that the third one being rings going in are about using much envirojemtn while the fire is seriously not eeevev n berelu beeeeeeeeeger

Of universe bb here
In terms of the urgency if each path the relativity of the middle one is there keeping the body neutral and the enviroument in balance of twos yet constantly, while the other two being internal here vampiric as before in the symbolic logic and the other being werewolfic are there as simply what must be enough toiling of form for vampire though learning of 81 scales psycic abilities as well while the werewolf learns of relativity of work mentalism to space ratio and is also must be toiling enough by power domination saturation itself of invincibilityyyyyyyy

Confucius did not talk much about the spiritualllllll realm from what thheeey asaaayyyyyy we kniw, but he would be able to be of less sort of trend rate while of course by his way not being ccccchoooseee and the. Being there to say i do have my direct answers about it because i love you so much while understanding that the social attitude chararchatype is not of the tantric way which was for one that was to always be clinging to reuse the bamboo scrolls whoch were in cyclic order growth for certain praising mysticism while it is that the conservative and edits for the time are indeed necessary in case of course of the reality of course of course while the keeping of things in order are there to be of what are that are to be following certain ways of principles of austerity which make the tapas, and the polishing of astronomical signs as if they were the main focus is so great for the general reality at 144 minutes

Mencius is talking about bhakti in so many sorcererLY ways meaning keeping the 24 year harmonic (NO MALICE) of wizardly itself out x2 at the extent if the outside of the outer astronomical mage aura sometimes of course at the least, while the sagagicandfurtheťoff path is literally the one that sri sri is talking about through our mystical perception of his majesty here. OÒMMm shanti bless OŐmm shantbless om ah ra pa tsa na dhih uchantana patsa siddhi om ah ra hum vajara guru padme siddhi hum om ah ra vajara guru padme siddhi hum om vajara guru padme siddhi huuuum >>>>>>~ . longevity peace goodhealth happiness om jambalani padme siddhi hump’in jay.

Quickly quickly quickly we want some baby krishna picture in every room and tree on the planey and make your own also too as well along the song of the chinese sphingxcxs gong song.

By sau at least one retrograde recollection of symbolic logic at the least and anyways furthermore of 81 scales logic reasoning is that the Krishna can be the place of fourth ring surely by perhaps an environmental formulated element that had been sorcerer processed and is in the activated intellectual intellect of the intuition and skillful consciousness models of the namely always to be “undefeated rAma”, and otherwise by Brama being the overall by yhe general action of yet creation being the thereby chaos mage or here also just simply otherwise sorcererly allows the third of four 144 minutes rama to be called structure by standard chaos magic intelligence or also even struxture by a likewise rama oriented skill manifestation having things as technique strategy/s plots which are in the third place which is the common krishna here of course, while paramashivacules are there to hehehehe say hehehehehe that hehehehehehe the heheheheheheh same name of structure ^uuugh^ heheheheh ^uuugh^ or chcccchaos is there as the common formats of the hard body psycich prana wizard and the soft body aura psionic mana sorcerer, while the paramashivakules are the way of the path that has brama as its own namely position mystically when in creative terms still, though still, though the formats that are of basic formats are also what include the bramic chaos magic of the two bramics while the design of the psychic rings throughout the mages is what is between the formats of different mages at the base again including the more basic vampiric werewolfic is namely terms that are of the brama chaos magic and superposition it gives to the rama krishna conjuctions which when more krishnaly by position at the least are then turned into charge contortions unless being receptive which us then the opposite, whule oooh the hehejoc,hin jay jockin jay, the creative contortion in general astrology having paramashivacules being at the creative side of the four sets of 144 being the last constantly is what makes the entire destroyer path somewhat more basic and vampiric at a more or even say extreme overall view of course there while that possibility to see the reception of the completion of the past “”layed”” in tapas is able to be recieved by the fourth position mystically for its general xombustion that is what is natural and organic nevertheless of the meta metamorphosis vehicle that is what ratios of the magick can say lay as here. And the destruction is what is of what is being intelligent by that it is having more to use in an overall way while it is farqing between the three which are structure order chaos which bring good ole fortune of just anyways usage which could possibly here as well not only have 24 out but also the one of the two there at heart which are 24 years and 6 times speeds while deeper astrology can work in thereby or even having their positions switched.

4 days ago at least astro strong while the glory is like the scroll into the past.

6.3 thou views

Deep rest with shallow integrity is what should be nominated and Krishna for this like that there is truly a hero. Integrity authenticity responsibility enrichment

44 as one heart beat per minute / shivakrishna moment

There is eternal life longevity as the base of conservative at one and then there is the alternativability of purity in emotional happiness which is 81 as liberal conservative essential core philosophy truth nevertheless in essential ability with the golden cheerful path of balance in the middle.
2.6m v
1y ago

Wise one wizeard being the next onely here of oneliness and go of five liness. Bye bye hi hi by byih,__