Inner knee pain

I have been having a lot of problems with my left inner knee which you suspected it was an overstretched ligament and you gave me some exercises. It started to get better then it got worse. I took an Iyengar class the end of May and he put us in a lot of Lotus poses. Since our last 1 on 1 session I was doing the JFS and all of the poses you gave me every day and that?s when my knee started to get better. I stopped doing the JFS due to time but still kept up with the extra poses for the knee. My knee got worse - the worst it has ever been. A week before out weekend I decided to do the JFS everyday. My inner knee immediately got better. Right now I have no inner knee pain. I am conscious of certain poses that bend the left knee and keep my awareness on it. I’m amazed with the power of these JFS poses!

Also I am amazed at their effectiveness too. But what can we do for loss of discernment? What poses should I do and not do; especially when taking a workshop with a teacher that doesn?t know my body and/or doesn?t know how to read my body and/or with whom I am unfamiliar and don?t share my current imbalances? That muscle is hard to build.