recently one of my teammates uploaded a stolen picture of me on facebook. i always brand myself as ugly and on that picture, my eyes were turned up and my pimple marks were very obvious.
that really made my day bad and, oddly, it made me think of just dying. i even wrote a story of a dead perosn being buried which i visualized to be me. until now i still feel bad and there are times that i will be depressed and angry still for that reason. i hate the people who did that, even though it was only a fun for them, because i think it is very obvious that i am avoiding camera and have low self-esteem.
i have been trying to meditate but find myself unable to because my mind is so pre-occupied with that. i also feel insecure woith someone who i have not had communication with since last year.
what can you advice for this? i think i am so attached with my self -image. please help.