Inspiration from your yoga teachers

I would love to hear and share some of the inspiring things your personal yoga teachers have said in class or to you.

One recent teacher of mine said “There is all the yoga you need even in the simplest of asana poses if done with fullness.” (He was referencing the fullness of extension with the body, release with the emotions, openness with the heart, and bliss with the spirit…)

Anyone else want to share?

“You can do it”, referring to Utpluthih…and I CAN!

“…give yourself a little smile…” while being in Shavasana. And I did. That was an amazing sensation!

Not strictly yoga but…

I once heard a zen master tell his class very gently “you are Buddha”.

We were all sitting facing the wall and that phrase struck me like a
lightning. It changed my life. Not that I became a Buddhist or anything
like that, but I simply set down the baggage accumulated over the
years and walked away from it.

So I too can be that happy, carefree, generous being?

First a funny bit of inspiration. During my teacher training I was practicing teaching to a class and my teacher came up behind me and held my hands together and said, now teach. I tend to talk with my hands and I was left speechless at that point, but was able to find the words to teach the class.

And “Take yoga off the mat.” A mantra I try to live and teach.

Nothing impossible - is the motivational quota which inspires me every where either it is yoga class or any complex problem.

“listen to your own body before you listen to my instruction”

btw good post!!!

Don’t think, don’t question, simply be.

Yoga Teacher Training with Divine light is a spiritual journey that encompasses all aspects of life. On this journey you are guided by various gifted instructors who introduce you to yoga philosophy, anatomy and Ayurvedic principles with great insight and thoughtful reflection.
